smell bike motorcar look here


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
you wanna order something from the int'l shipping costs are the same for up to 8 cds so i thought wanna split

talkin english itt so others can take part in this interesting conversation :zombie:
can not not not not afford this atm but it sounds interesting, let's deal it out this evening yo.

edit: fuck this, staten just molested my anus quite badly so no heavy metals for now :mad:
i have a 4700kr skatteskuld that i cannot pay but you don't see me complaining (much)

oh well it was worth a shot
Gotta care for the family first y'know
The cops just called re: car accident in may (or whenever) and said that I had failed to keep appropriate distance to the car in front of me (which I can't deny since I obviously hit it), thus breaking the law breaking the law
Which sux because it was a good ole accident and I think the two thousand swedish dineros I paid the insurance company (which was already twice what it would have been if I had been 25 or older) were beyond enough. Two thousand more to the fucking oppressive facist regime as well now and no diapers or food for hell junior motörbike for eighteen months
volvo and saab are both dying and not swedish and volvo hasnt been cool since 1993 but still thats great man
Actually it says "made in Sweden" all over it. I mean, at least the windows say that.

it's my mom-in-law's S70 from circa '99