
i am very anti-cowboy boots and cowboy hats. i went to DC a month ago and when i got off the bus in chinatown i immediately saw a sorority girl type walking down the street with a cowboy hat on. then another. then a third, this one with a cowboy-hatted frat guy. we were all like "whoa is this DCs new style?? is bush responsible for making the city look like it's full of assholes???" then a fourth, a fifth, handfuls more! and finally a guy ran up to us and tried to sell us a bootleg Tim McGraw shirt and we realised a country concert had just let out and breathed a sigh of relief.


see now?
i didn't say i was wearing em! i just said the smiley is mad cute.
when i was little my dad got me a red and white plastic cowboy hat and brown plastic boots and two red and white plastic gun holsters with teeny metal guns. man i loved that fucking get up.
that's it i guess i am A COWGIRL NOW i better trade in my gold fronts for a belt buckle?
i would look cute on a horse i think...
preppy you will look awesome on a horse this summer when you come horseback riding with me.

ps. i am unsure how to feel about this thread. there is a lot of tx hating going on! i don't know how i technically feel about that. i do dig the face in boots.
let me clarify, i wasn't hating. i am pro-sBoots.

i think xfer understood, but kept quiet. which, while effective politics, neatly categorizes him as the ninja to my samurai status.