Snake Eyes Seven – Snake Eyes Seven


Oct 22, 2006
Snake Eyes Seven – Snake Eyes Seven
Chavis Records – 2007
By Dan Fisher


Snake Eyes Seven have gone all retro on yo' ass with a sound that sits between Alice in Chains and Black Sabbath. If your into your stoner rock, or the sludgey grunge of Louder Than Love era Soundgarden, then this band are for you. According to the website their live shows include huge flaming snakes and enough pyrotechnics to make a Rammstein tribute band envious. I must admit the band have got some very tasty grooves and if they were in the area I would probably saddle up and mosey on into town to catch them. Daniel Nargang's voice is excellent, sounding like a young Ozzie or a lower register Cornell. What impresses me most though is the vibe of the record which has an analogue feel to it that many modern records don't have. It exudes a kind of sweaty warmth with big, fuzzy riffs dripping out of your speakers provided by veteran mentalist Cole Stevens. Make no mistake about it this is a very good debut but I would definitely like to see more attack by the whole band, especially the vocalist who at times sounds tentative. Next time, hit us with some Staley-esque screams of anguish. I would also like to see a bit more variation in the riffing, whether it be tempo or rhythmic alterations. Whatever. All you need to know is that it sounds cool and you'll probably love it.

Official Snake Eyes Seven Website
Official Chavis Records Website