Snare and Kick samples I'm working on.


May 29, 2008
Do they sound good? Do they sound like ass? What do you like about them? What don't you like about them?


More info:
The kick is a combination of Necrophagists Epitaph kick, a Suffocation kick, and a 22" Tama Starclassic.
The snare is a combo of a Black Panther, and an unkown Pearl.

If anyone cares to know more hit me up.
Imo they sound like ass, sorry >< The kick has something weird going on when it starts to play fast, like one of the samples is screwing up. Also it sounds REALLY programmed. And , yer... not sure what else to say about it. I'd like to hear it in a mix. But I'd try only using one sample, or maybe two, and maybe use parallel compression or something to make it bigger. Personally I've never got very good results using more than one, the phase is always making it sound thin and it gets the weird stuff going on as I said above.

The snare... how'd you combine two snares and make it sound so tiny? Maybe thats what you were going for, but imo its too soft and way too tiny. Needs some reverb as well.
Dunno what you've done to the snare, or the original samples, so can't help very much.
Imo they sound like ass, sorry >< The kick has something weird going on when it starts to play fast, like one of the samples is screwing up. Also it sounds REALLY programmed. And , yer... not sure what else to say about it. I'd like to hear it in a mix. But I'd try only using one sample, or maybe two, and maybe use parallel compression or something to make it bigger. Personally I've never got very good results using more than one, the phase is always making it sound thin and it gets the weird stuff going on as I said above.

The snare... how'd you combine two snares and make it sound so tiny? Maybe thats what you were going for, but imo its too soft and way too tiny. Needs some reverb as well.
Dunno what you've done to the snare, or the original samples, so can't help very much.

Same here. I'd go for one sample for each and do some tweaking seriously. Maybe use 2 kick tracks (if not 4 if you want to sound like the real "double bass" stuff) , one for the regular sound and one for the very clicky sound, blend to taste. For the snare find a good one and EQ-it correctly and put a good verb and that's gonna be fine.

Blending those samples is not the way to go IMO. Keep things simple and spend time mess up with EQ/verb/comp on good samples instead of trying to get something good out of the "multi-samples hell" you're into.

I guess this is for brutal tech death, right ? The guy from this forum who recorded the ABHORRENT band had quite a great drums sound for this genre. I think you can nail it without using so many samples.