Snare Ghost Notes?


Sep 16, 2009
Tallahasse, FL. USA
Hey guys! Got a question. When I have ghost notes on the snare it's not working out very well with the comp etc. The ghost notes pop out too much. I've tried quite a few different settings but none seem to work.

What do you normally do? Split the snare track out and only have the ghost notes their own track for a different treatment?

Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated!
Split the snare track out and only have the ghost notes their own track for a different treatment?

This is what I did some time ago with a rim click in the snare track. I only hope you don't have tom much cutting to do to seperate both tracks...
I would keep ghost notes on their own track. Not only can you control the eq/comp differently, but you might actually want to change the volume of the top vs bottom mics depending on the sound you want for the ghost notes.
Usually I program them into the drum track. Then Ill take all the snare hits, put them into their own piano roll track, then erase( by area selector) the snares I dont need. Then insert a snare sample at an appropriate velocity,
and viola! Eq, pan, volumize as needed. Velocities make a big difference if you use multisample I guess.
Thanks for the answers. Having the ghosts on the snare track was just not working at all. I def do want the ghosts to be eq'd differently. They need more resonant head for a fuller sound compared to all that crack on rim shit!