Snare mic clamps and stands


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Hey dudes,

I'm looking for recommendations for a small, compact, unobtrusive, way to mic a snare. I'm tired of fighting with long boom stands to get it in the narrow gap between the toms, cymbal mounts, and hi-hat. I want something that I can get an SM57 on, pointed directly at the centre of the snare, without being in the way of the drummer or causing him to have to move his shit around.

I've looked at the Audix DVICE, but I'm worried about vibrations causing phase issues.

I'm thinking then, is there some small stand and gooseneck attachment that I could add to it, in order to put it right under the snare, and then reach up and around to mic the top skin???

I did search, but didn't find too much on the subject. Forgive me :)
Well, here in Brazil we have small stands that do just that, so I am sure you have that in UK :D Just dont get anything that holds to the snare rim.
man, i dont know the name in english. I call it 'short stands' but I am sure there is a proper name. It works perfectly for snare because it maximum height is just below what drummers usually use their hi hats. Sorry for not helping more.


edit: works for KsE, so why wouldn't it work for you?

I just use these, but with booms screwed on the top:


Works like a charm, love them to death! Fuck tripod stands and fuck full size mic stands. They are honestly useless for everything but overheads, vocals, and holding up blankets.
I know it will cost some coin, but... this is where the Granelli modded SM57, the angled one, comes in handy. Use a short stand that just goes straight up next to the snare and you have the angled 57 on the end. Seems like a good solution.
1) buy a studio spares full size stand as they are incredible value for money.
2) Remove the base part of the stand from the legs and the top half from the screw bit in the middle
3) Attack with hack saw
4) put back together
I just use these, but with booms screwed on the top:


Works like a charm, love them to death! Fuck tripod stands and fuck full size mic stands. They are honestly useless for everything but overheads, vocals, and holding up blankets.

Hey Adam,

Doesn't the mic fall down due to the weight, or am i just being a spazz?
Hey Adam,

Doesn't the mic fall down due to the weight, or am i just being a spazz?

I picked up 3 Audix DVice clamps for fucking $75.....and they are garbage. They are the gooseneck ones....and if you're trying to use any mic with some weight to it, they will We were running SM57s on snare/toms and after a few mins of playing they'd be touching the drum heads. We also have 1 Shure clamp....sturdy metal....and I think they go for the same price (3/$75) and are MUCH sturdier!
Yeah. Ideally I don't want to use clamps. But I want some small and sturdy stands that aren't going to fall over, that I can squeeze into the gap between the hi-hat and bass drum... for micing the snare top.
[qoute]I've looked at the Audix DVICE, but I'm worried about vibrations causing phase issues.[/quote]

+1 to what bryan said about these things being crap

i have 5 of them that came with my audix mic set...good thing they were essentially free as part of the bundle or i'd be totally pissed, because they blow large quantities of ass!