Sneak preview to new album...


Jul 27, 2003
Chicago, IL
Has anyone had the luxury of hearing the new album (at the listenening party, or other methods). I am dying to get a description of what the new songs will sound like. Heavier, lighter, more melodic, guitar solos, etc. Can anyone answer this. April will not come sooner!!!!
This post is taken from PM-board, Matt was one of happy few who got the opportunity to get to hear the album twice:

Posted by Matt Johnsen on 2004-02-26 09:54:43:

I've been on a pretty hectic schedule for the past week or so, but I'm back from Sweden and back from Vermont and while I'm still a little groggy and more than a little sad about being back at work, I can finally reveal some of what I know about this new album.

The listening party last Saturday was a great time, but of course the actual listening took up a relatively small part of the time I was in Evergrey's (ridiculously great) studio. All of the journalists there listened to it once, but a few others and I (including Mark Gromen from BWBK) took the chance to listen to it a second time, so all of my impressions are based on two complete listens (plus a few individual songs that Mike insisted we listen to at full blast later on. By that point, having been tutored by the Captain in the art of the fastbeer, I was less than entirely cognizant of my surroundings, so it's best that I stick with those impressions formed during the first two listens.)

I was afraid, after all the money that went into transporting me to Sweden and boarding me for the weekend, that I would dislike the album, particularly insofar as I was disappointed with the last one. I think that Recreation Day is a decent album, but it was the weakest disc yet in the Evergrey catalog and definitely lacked some of the spark and sparkle of their earlier discs.

Inner Circle, based on my two listens, is a much better album, and it should speak volumes that after only such a brief exposure and after a MASSIVE amount of booze, I can still hum various melodies, remember some lyrics, and generally recall liking the album. The production is beyond godly (even though we listened to an unmastered disc) and the music, while a bit simpler than in the past, was very affecting. It helps that the disc's concept is something a little easier to relate to than, say, alien abduction; it's about a person getting wrapped up in a religious cult.

I had a hard time getting my head around this album in only two listens, though. I can already tell it's a grower disc; it's an album that WILL require several listens to sink in. My second listen revealed details and nuances that escaped me on the first, and the sequencing of the songs made much more sense the second time around.

I don't have my notes with me, and even if I did I would probably be best not to spoil too much, as I still have an article to write about the experience, but if I recall correctly, my favorite song is "In the Wake of the Weary." There was another song (maybe around track 6) that was a close second, but in general, the first half of the album is really powerful. There are a couple of ballady type songs (which I didn't originally like enjoyed MUCH more the second time around), and the album ends with a really long instrumental, which was a bold and successful gamble, I thought. The instrumental really forced me into a contemplative state where I could reconsider what I'd heard to that point.

Maybe when I get the album I'll change my mind about it. Maybe it's not that good. Maybe it's better. Who knows? I'm at least excited about hearing it, which is maybe not what I would have said before this experience.

Thanks! That review just made the wait even harder. I couldn't agree more that it is an exciting time for Evergrey. I disagree with the reviewer that Recreation Day was weaker than their earlier albums. It wasn't as melodic/emotional as some of the earlier stuff, but was a very powerful album. Can't wait to see what's next.
Just bought my tickets to the Chicago and Milwaukee shows. I'm crossing my fingers that Jon's back gets better! Ready for the return of Evergrey to the States.
Mammoth said:
Jon Schaeffer of Iced Earth that is.
If his back doesn't heal the way it's supposed to they will probably postpone the North American tour for a couple of weeks.
But it is still a pretty long time until that date so let's hope for the best.
I would like to have Mike back in Gothenburg for our five year anniversary.
Saxiquine : Do you know if there will be something like a release-party for the new album in GBG as usual? Seeing as they should be on tour (if Jon is healed and you permit them ;) ) around the time the album is released the chances seem slim. Take care.
Strahd said:
Saxiquine : Do you know if there will be something like a release-party for the new album in GBG as usual? Seeing as they should be on tour (if Jon is healed and you permit them ;) ) around the time the album is released the chances seem slim. Take care.

Mike has been talking about doing something like last year at CD-specialisten, but now with the tour and all I'm not sure what's going to happen.
Saxiquine said:
Mike has been talking about doing something like last year at CD-specialisten, but now with the tour and all I'm not sure what's going to happen.
That would be great! As long as it doesn't occur between the 26th of March and the 11th of April that is. I'd hate to miss it this again and I'll be in Korea during that time.
Well the only chance that they will have a gig and signing session is if they can get the album out a couple of weeks earlier I guess.. and then it would probably be around that time if it's gonna happen before the tour which is set to start at April 18th.
But we'll see soon enough I guess =)
It would be sweet if they could make it. The gig/signing session at CD specialisten was pretty damn cool when they released "Recreation Day".