Sneap forum collaboration Mix - check it out guys

NEW CORRECT Direct mp3 link - The band is called Forced Evolution featuring Pifos off the forum

Guitars were reamped by Lasse (awesome job), mix butchered by me :heh: Only got the guitars through a little while ago, so haven't spent much time experimenting with the different mics/amps so much.

What do you guys think so far? still want to sort out a few things, but things are taking shape I think.

Guitars are Peavey (whichever one Lasse used), and his Mesa. I used the 421 and 57 tracks for the peavey and beyer m160 and 57 tracks for mesa.
haven't checked it yet...will bethe first thing tomorrow though.

I really liked the pups with the Recto and 5150...the krank didn't cut it (that's why the files werent included in the pack...was big enough as it was ;) )

just to have something else in there I put the Subcutane-Amp in as well, but I dialed it in so that it had a way less tight tone, just to have another option....would probably not work for forced evo though...

cab was Engl Pro (v30)

sm57 were on the same speaker (my fav), the 421 on another speaker.

all mics through API preamps

With Lasse brilliant reamping it sounds so thick yet with a lot of definition.

And Ed I told you already, you nailed the sound of our band. That's what we had in mind.
The keyboards are right in place. Especially the electronic effect during the chorus.
Absolutely insane. Awesome stuff everybody.

Someone really needs to make an album out of this material sneapsters are putting out together.