Snippet with soundsample: PLZ comment :)

hi, thank you for the comment.
And you are right with the snare, it is too low in the mix, well I have to redo the drums anyway.
I will post the whole song, as soon as it is completed :)

btw: If you are interested in snare samples just tell me :)

E: What do you think about the guitar sound? I tried a combination of sm57 and Rode M3.
Sounds like the guitars were put in the mix to make space for a fair amount of low end that's not there. Other than that I think it works pretty well.
Guitars don't sound too bad, just a little sloppy. Same with drums. I guess that high pitched, poppy snare works with deathcore/death metal, but I'm not a big fan of it.

Edit: Oh, duh, it's a firecracker...
Bass will follow.
Guitars are as good as they can get :erk: I'm not what you would call a great guitar player, especially sweeping stuff is sucki ;) .
Thank you for your advice :)