Snow Queen


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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Snow Queen
I see your vail
Cry the icicles if you must
Wish away this world of yours
Undo the day that brought you pain
Cast away the fear

Your gown so long and flowing
Covering the ground so white
Erasing the footsteps you lay
Sweeping Winter Goddess
Don't be bitter

Feathers from swans adorne
All about your beauty
Untouched by yesterday's hand
So white thou art
Don't fear the dark
Nor what cold may bring

Your heart melts the ice
This world's icey shell
Don't stop believe in what good may come
Have faith in the moon above
Symbol of our power
In this frigid winter season

Stop searching for answers
"Are we the creation,
Or the Creator?"
Just live and let live
Uphold the memories of peace
Of good times and cheer