Snub - The Harvest EP

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Snub - The Harvest EP
2002 - Copro Records
By Philip Whitehouse

Go to the Snub website.
Go to the Copro Records website.

I might have mentioned in the review for Italian aggro-mongers Kevlar HC that, as far as this is reviewer is concerned, no hardcore or metalcore release for the forseeable future is going to top Hatebreed's latest effort.

Well, Snub may well be forcing me to eat these words in the near future. While they may not have stolen the hardcore crown from Hatebreed quite yet, to say that Snub are definitely snapping at their heels is an understatement.

This four-track EP showcases Snub's own brand of 'Beer-Fuelled Hate Edge Aggrocore' to it's fullest effect - sacrificing groove for grind, and possessing the momentum of an out-of-control juggernaut truck, Snub steamroller the senses with abrasive riffage, throat-ripping growls and a sense of sheer menace unheard of in previous UK hardcore efforts.

They do let up in one track though - 'The Subtle Art Of Slaughtering A Dream' is a guitar-only piece where echoey, clean guitar strum out a melodic but still sinister-sounding track subtly tinged with Eastern mysticism.

Overall, an excellent effort that shows the increasing level of talent the UK is producing in all areas of the metal and rock scenes.
