So... any tour plans for North America?

Brutha ZOD RULES!!

We're going to see how Troy's arms are doing when playing BARfest and South Texas Rock Fest. He's been having problems with his left arm now (Tendonitis) and at the moment he can only play 45 minutes max. So we really don't know at the moment if we're going to be doing any other additionsl shows in the USA. If he's still having problems we'll just do the festivals in Europe and take a year off. I think Troy needs the rest and get back to when he's a 100 percent.

YOU RULE MAN and thanks for asking.

Wow. I knew the battle against tendinitis was an ongoing one, but was under the impression it was controllable. It totally sucks that it's impacting his playing in this manner.

Hey Jasun... given that you and Troy are twins, one would think you would have similar issues. Do you? Does it have to do with the differences between the weight of guitar and bass strings? Thanks.

Great question,

I have had problems with my tendons and have pulled a tendon (Things like that). Troy's left arm has it in his Ulnar nerve. Just the worst spot to have it and there's really nothing to do but rest. Mine has never been even close to what Troy's problems are. Before he had it in his right but now it's in his left. With all the tapping, hammering and strength he uses in his left it shoots up volts in his arm. So songs like "The Falcon's Cry", "The Temple Within" and many others for that matter..... He just can't do them because of the shooting volts up his arms. Both those songs we played out on Specs and wasn't a problem for him but now being in his left it's a whole new ballgame.

We'll figure out how many shows we'll do this year and then take a break. I just got protools so that gives me time to explore that World, write some material and do things I haven't done in the past. I've always written Zero Hour material with my brother and it just doesn't feel right without his ideas and input.....Just not the same.


Sorry I didn't answer your question exactly brutha Zod. Yes the big strings would make a difference. Troy has to play the lightest gauge out there. Luckily Manne made a light custom Korina body for my bro because of this situation. So he has a light Bass.

