So, anyone going to Metal Chruch or OverKill?

I make it a rule not to miss Overkill live when I can help it. This is just about the worst weekend for it, but I may try to make it down for one of the shows anyway...hopefully tonight so I can check out SF9 as well.

I'm less excited about Metal Church, because I'm only really familiar with The Dark (which I like a lot) and The Human Factor (which is more lukewarm for me), and Monday night is a shitty night for a Jaxx trek. We'll see.

- Chris
Ok, that was a damn good show. Everything from The Dark on up, Jeff Plate is the perfect fit on drums. I don't think there's anything he couldn't play and look moderately interested while doing so.
I saw Overkill on Saturday night. Good show, however I was less enthusiastic about Bobby's posing.