So apparently, football players are dumber than I thought

King Richard

Hello there
Mar 23, 2006
Wouldn't you like to know
Yes this should probably be in the football thread but who cares, it's hilarious and I'm making it its own thread so suck my nipples.

Anyways, this article talks about the tie between the Bengals and Eagles last week, revealing how retarded most of the NFL is (according to Ben Roflsburger and Hines Ward).

WARNING: You may laugh a few times.


My favorite quote from the article would be this gem:
Roethlisberger guessed half the league’s players didn’t know. Ward, a former Super Bowl MVP and an 11-season veteran, acknowledged he was among them—and he played in a tie only six years ago.


Herro, my name is Hines Rard, I pray de footbarrrs.
This is embarrassing for the league. Every average fan knows there are ties, and half the league doesn't. It's inexcusable... especially hearing Ward say that, considering his team tied the Falcons 6 years ago. How do you not remember that? Even more worrying was that McNabb was dumb enough to open this can of worms by even mentioning that.
The worst part is McNabb asking what they do in the playoffs. Fucking retards.

edit: Leave it to a fucking Eagle to embarrass the league.
If you read the article, Ward said he did remember. But he thought it must have changed since then.

He's full of it. How can you go from "I didn't know either" to "oh yeah I remember but I thought they changed it." Changed it to what exaclty Hines? Did you ever recall seeing a memo sent out to the entire league about the tie rule? No? That's because THEY DIDN'T SEND ONE OUT BECAUSE THERE WAS NO CHANGE YOU MORON.


The article is kind of unclear as to what exactly Ward was saying. He was either saying that he didn't know that you could tie before he was in a tie, or that he didn't know whether or not the rule has been changed since then. It's not impossible for players not to know things, though this one seems more obvious than most. For example, a number of players weren't aware of the push-out rule going away during the off season. To be honest, this isn't terribly surprising, though of course you'd like the players to know these things, since, you know, it's their job and all.
Anyone that has anything to do with the NFL, players, coaches, management even fans that does not know the overtime rule is a complete fucking moron.
Well as a college baseball player, I often get burnt out and don't watch any baseball for 3 months during the season. I imagine they don't watch much either, and I doubt they want to watch ESPN and hear the announcers tell them how bad they are.
Lets remember folks, most players didn't get D-1 scholarships for thier brains. They get money and power in the NFL...usually they become even more stupid.