So are they tubes or valves?

Depends where you're from......
In the UK (and probably Europe for that matter) they are referred to as valves...
In the US, they are vacuum tubes.
there are always competing words to refer to technology between the US and Europe. For the longest time, americans referred to condenser microphones as capacitor mics, but condenser has a sexy ring to it and eventually won the draw. You still meet some of the old geezers who call em capacitor mics.
Erm, slight corrections

First, tubes are what make the internet work. This makes them simply unacceptable for use in amplifiers, because all you'd be getting would be IRC chats at 128db. Valves are what we use to control the flow of fluids, so those aren't happening because water and electricity combine to form death. The clear solution is solid state.

The issue is now settled. Have a nice day.

Erm, slight corrections

First, tubes are what make the internet work. This makes them simply unacceptable for use in amplifiers, because all you'd be getting would be IRC chats at 128db. Valves are what we use to control the flow of fluids, so those aren't happening because water and electricity combine to form death. The clear solution is solid state.

The issue is now settled. Have a nice day.

that reminds me, I just forgot to flush my solid state. brb
Funny i always thought they were just called tubes:Smug:

Its neat when you learn something then you actually notice it in places and when i was reading my tape op mag yesterday after learning this this interview this dude mention valves and they were talking about tubes i was like wow i wonder how many times i overlooked valves as tubes:lol:
UK = Valves
US = Tubes
Germany = Röhren

The German word sounds the best because "Röhren" makes your amps go RRRRRÖÖÖHHHHRRRRRR!!!:heh:

exactly, and that's precisely the noise a moose in the heat is doing..
RööööaaahhhRRR!! ....

imagine the moose making "vaaaallffff"
would be kinda silly!
Well I guess tubes comes from their construction, valves comes from the operation.

Really, they're valve tubes :)