So did Hosni Mubarak puke in the middle of a speech to Parliament?


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
what are they saying? are they hinting that he just opened up the floodgates in the middle of his speech? or was it something lame like a collapse?

CAIRO, Egypt (CNN) -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was forced to break-off from a televised parliamentary speech when he was taken ill.

The 75-year-old was addressing the parliament in Cairo Wednesday at about 12:45 p.m. (5:45 a.m. ET) when the television signal was briefly interrupted, CNN's Ben Wedeman reported.

A news announcer said Mubarak had fallen ill. Shortly afterwards, Egypt's speaker of the parliament said Mubarak would return shortly.

The president did return after several minutes to complete his speech, lasting a further five minutes.
and the infamous George Bush Jr. coke-binge, college years, puking scenario.

you have to admit, "fallen ill" conjures up something like a swoon you'd see in a 19th century lithograph, hand over the eyes, head tilted back, coattails hanging limply...
He was sickened by the arrest of noble Palestinian women by Jewish-influenced policethugs.

"A Palestinian girl who was raped and impregnated by her two brothers was later murdered by her own mother - even though her daughter was the crime's innocent victim - in another of the disturbingly common, if vastly underreported, instances of 'honor killings.' ... Rofayda Qaoud was raped by her brothers, Fahdi, 22, and Ali, 20, in a bedroom they shared in the family's three-room house in the town of Abu Qash in the West Bank. When her mother found she had become pregnant, she insisted her daughter commit suicide, and even bought the unwed teen a razor so she could slash her own wrists. When the daughter refused, Amira Abu Hanhan Qaoud took matters into her own hands and murdered Rofayda to restore her family's 'honor.'"
i'm sorry to hear that, but it's also something i'd like to see, but of course with someone i didn't give two shits about. which ultimately means everyone or no one.
prep was it a really bad situation?

my ex-gfriend claimed something like this happened to her during a concert (i wish i remember who, but i think it might have been U2 or something). i would have paid to see a video of that.