So dudes...... I cut my hair.


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
It feels pretty good too, chopped off like 9 inches.

How do image hosting?

Also, am I less metal? I feel like a brown Dave Grohl.
haha i`m thinking about doing the same since a couple of days, from 40cm to 1mm cut, like 5years ago... i`m getting tired of treating my hair-cut like a girl... :rofl:
the "no-more-metal"-thing is the last thing i could care about ;)
I'd have cut my hair long time ago, but what the heck would I do onstage? It always seems to me kind of wrong when short-haired guys headbang. I don't know, it's like playing the air guitar or playing baseball without the bat.
And yeah, the extra time spend fucking around with one's hair is plainly annoying. But still...
Pics or it didn't happen ;)
I always feel sorry when people cut their hair, especially when it's because of a job or because other people don't like it.. on the other hand some people actually look way better with short hair and short hair really is so comfortable.. you step out of the shower and don't have to do anything, the wind never blows the goddamn hair in your face, etc etc
I'd have cut my hair long time ago, but what the heck would I do onstage? It always seems to me kind of wrong when short-haired guys headbang.
Playing live was actually the last and decisive reason for me to let my hair grow again. It just looks and feels wrong on stage haha. Not like I my hair is long already, currently I just look like an emo on his bad hair day, but I'll get there :lol:
I feel your pain, i remember how it felt when i went from hair reaching to about half my back to shaven completely bald...

Long hair = metal.

Short hair + beard = metal.

Very short hair or bald + heavy muscular body = metal.

So grow a beard or get a gym membership and start eating a lot of protein ! :D
Pics or it didn't happen ;)
I always feel sorry when people cut their hair, especially when it's because of a job or because other people don't like it.. on the other hand some people actually look way better with short hair and short hair really is so comfortable.. you step out of the shower and don't have to do anything, the wind never blows the goddamn hair in your face, etc etc
100% what this guy said. Although now I think about it, I miss my long hair too.
My hair is all kind of shoulder length now, and people tell me I look older because of it. The avatar is a very old pic, taken around the end of 2010. where should I go for image hosting, I can show you guys? Also, headbanging is kind of weak now, but I haven't ben playing with any bands in over a year (I blame the sneap forum). Guess I'll write some alternative rock, get some tattoos and song with my shirt off. :D
My "real" sex life started after I cut my hair short (I mean "normal" short). Also I think I look better this way anyway. So I thank my job for getting me in the way of way more chicks, and convenience.
When my hair is short I miss my long hair. When it grows out it gets on my nerves. Can't be happy.

I have the annoying kind of hair where when its long it won't stay out of my face so I always have to pull it back, defeating the purpose. Plus, there is nothing more lame than wearing your hair in a ponytail, then letting it down for a show (can't head bang with hair pulled back), then pulling it back again to pack up your gear. Seriously. Lame.
I cut my hair back once to shoulder length, made headbanging SO uncomfortable. I love it, if only for that reason, and so long as I'm in a band and I don't have a really bad receding hairline I'll keep it long. Im pretty sure I'm going to cry a little inside when it finally goes!