So Evile...

david safc

New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2008
..what is your method for writing such good music?

Just curious as to how you do it. Do you specifically pick a scale/mode or whatever then work on it till you get something sounding good?

I am in need of guidance in the music writing department atm :heh:
I think every unsigned thrash band needs guidance in writing music. Most thrash bands I've seen have been terrible, even my own haha!!

Good point though. C'mon lads, spill the beans... or the cat gets it!
what the feck is a mode?

it's imagination, i don't know anything about theory, it's all about what you can imagine and trying to find where it goes on the guitar (for riffs anyway), and also learning from mistakes and what doesn't work..... such as, with writing new stuff we've found that being influenced by other thrash bands doesn't work, as you end up writing something that them bands would write..... so with the new stuff it's all pure imagination so far, trying to find our own way, which is why we're far happier with the new stuff than with saaaay the ETG stuff.

also apparently taking loads and loads of drugs is a good way to write good music. maybe when the well dries up.......
Hang your guitar up on a washing line (plugged into an amp), take a huge run up to it, jump into it whilst grabbing the neck, and attempt to play master of puppets for the few brief mid-air seconds, and record what comes out. Then you will have a brilliant riff/song.
Hang your guitar up on a washing line (plugged into an amp), take a huge run up to it, jump into it whilst grabbing the neck, and attempt to play master of puppets for the few brief mid-air seconds, and record what comes out. Then you will have a brilliant riff/song.
:OMG: So THATS the secret


I'm very surprised you don't know any theory.
For bass you do the same thing but try to play "Hang the Pope" by Nuclear Assault instead