So Ghost (Swe) has a new song (and a new album next year)!

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
So I know this band has some fans on this forum, including me for sure.

After the big time success of their debut Opus Eponymous, Ghost has announced a new album for next year and has now released a new track, Secular Haze! Enjoy it.

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I actually don't like this song at all and if this is the direction the new album is taking, not interested. Too keyboard-driven. Bring back the riffs!

They've also changed their look to coincide with the release of the new record all the robes are white now and Papa Emeritus I is 'dead,' succeeded by Papa Emeritus II.

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love the track, very avant garde. Love the production too, Nick R (Rush, Foo Fighters, AiC) did a killer job as expected.
It's nothing special. The thing about the first album, it was all very catchy stuff that I immediately loved. This doesn't do much for me. I'm hoping they just released the wrong song initially.
First thing I thought of as well. Not a real great idea if you ask me.

From what I've read the white robes were something they were putting on for the Summer. The fact that Papa Emeritus "II" or whatever came out in black makes me think they're going to transition into a new look. While I agree with you, I can't entirely blame them because the KKK is an American group, so I wouldn't really expect Swedes to make the connection.
I think any direction this band goes will draw fire. If they went and did the same album style again people would say they are out of ideas. So they altered thier style a tad and went with more keyboards. I figured they would go more theatrical with this one.

They will gain lots of new fans in the Southern States with this new look.
They will gain lots of new fans in the Southern States with this new look.

because the KKK is an American group, so I wouldn't really expect Swedes to make the connection.


So you wouldn't be able to make the connection of a German nazi skinhead band adorning Hitler gear because you are not from Germany????????

I certainly think MANY non-Americans know what the KKK look like.
I have many European, South American and Asian friends who know damn well who the KKK is. I think assuming that someone wouldn't know that simply because it's an American group is kind of a silly thing.