So, has anyone outside the UK heard about this?

Yeah, we've banned hand luggage on flights and we're making people taste food and drinks that are being brough onto the planes - which is causing some suitably gross 'Mother Forced To Drink Bottled Breast Milk' moments.

Apparently, 21 arrests made so far, nearly all of them British Muslims of Pakistani descent. Just the other day I was reading about some Muslim community leader who was ranting about the terrorist profiling techniques singling out asian people - hmm, wonder why?
I went on the plane yesterday to come home, and the security has been placed really really tight, its pretty crazy. A plane that was coming from Heathrow to St John's had to be delayed 4-5 hours or so
Dev said:
Trylakos, what's that sig? :lol:
I'm bad at translations(plus I forget some of the words) but it involves sexual(anal I think) deeds performed to the humans of fecal colour

edit: plus I took it from slang site because my vocab doesn't stretch beyond ordinary words.
outside the uk?? dill this is all over the news in chile, for chrissake! :lol: :erk:

also trylakos i have sigs turned off, what's yours

i used to have sigs on but the computer here is a slower connection and it's not worth the extra time to load all the images
clair comme dans le cul d'un negre
clean/clear as in a my pals's ass

i always wonder how much people's UM personas differ from their real-life personalities; i know i must appear to many people here rather different than i am in person
I'm so quirky that even if I posted on a more regular basis I could be NAD's fakes without much noticing. Minus the women history of course.

Nice threadjacking btw.
Back on thread : I quite didn't understand that Russian proposition.. it's going to delay the process imo. And show that Russia isn't influential at all.
cthulufhtagn said:
outside the uk?? dill this is all over the news in chile, for chrissake! :lol: :erk:

LOL - well, usually, major current events of this type get their own thread in RC within about fifteen seconds of occuring, and since I hadn't seen anything at all, I was wondering whether everyone else in the world was just like 'Fuck it, it's only the Brits'.
Well, I don't think any country in the Western World would think like that. When national security (us or euro) is at stake, the news supersede international (aka foreign) trouble.

And when there is no conflict, that is what usually happen in France :
Train accident in India.500 deaths. But to begin that flash let's go back on the heatwave thatkilled 1 old man in Paris. :rolleyes:
Doom said:
I know this has been asked before, but Trylakos, seriously...are you fag?


I remember I posted a site with several different languages with a bunch of offensive terms and I thought that was particularly silly and I felt like having a sig, so there