So how come there aren't 700 threads bitching about the shortened setlist here?


The Duck of Death.
Anyone been to the official IMBB lately? :rolleyes: Sure, I'm disappointed to miss out on a few songs, but there's so-called fans that are practically demanding the band be put in front of a firing squad, not to mention dragging the good names of Motörhead and Dio through the mud! :puke: I mean, I don't think the boys piss holy water or anything, but this isn't the end of the fucking world...
Well I'd be a little pissed, expecially since there's no reason for it apparently.
However, I'm more irritated that I am not going to see a show since they aren't coming up here.
BigBronco4x4 said:
Well I'd be a little pissed, expecially since there's no reason for it apparently.
However, I'm more irritated that I am not going to see a show since they aren't coming up here.
'A little pissed' is one thing, but there's people on there calling Dio a 'little troll faggot' and calling for a boycott of the opening acts... Which is fine, because then there won't be as many jackasses bumping into me when I'm up front enjoying all three bands. I guess my biggest beef with this whole thing is they're keeping Bring Your Daughter in favor of some real classics. I don't know, maybe I'll work up some righteous indignation if I think about it some more, but I've had enough real problems lately that this doesn't seem like something that's going to affect my life very much.
duckattack said:
'A little pissed' is one thing, but there's people on there calling Dio a 'little troll faggot' and calling for a boycott of the opening acts... Which is fine, because then there won't be as many jackasses bumping into me when I'm up front enjoying all three bands. I guess my biggest beef with this whole thing is they're keeping Bring Your Daughter in favor of some real classics. I don't know, maybe I'll work up some righteous indignation if I think about it some more, but I've had enough real problems lately that this doesn't seem like something that's going to affect my life very much.

What do you expect from n00bs? I'm sure most of them are teenagers. Stupidity is the only explanation for them blaming Dio or Motorhead of short setlists. Afterall, I'm sure Ronnie and "Warts" are not demanding that they play a few extra songs.
I figure we're mostly beyond that here.

I might be disgusted with the tentative cover art, but a tour's a tour. Honestly the way the weather has been around here lately, I'm surprized they want to tour at all. It's too damn hot!
The IMBB is not a nice place at the's like someone pulled a plug out and all the intelligence drained away. Endless threads about the setlist, the cover, Wildest Dreams being shit, disrespecting loyal fans, blah blah blah. If it weren't for the trade forum I'd have given up on the place.

Would be interesting to see what the average age of people is there....the whole place seems to have descended to juvenile levels of name calling and squabbling. I've no problem with kids picking up on the band, just so long as they leave their 3 minute attention spans and "me me me" mentaility at the door. Honestly, there's been stuff bashing Rod Smallwood, calling him a useless manager and so on. Some guy picked up a years old quote by Steve from the biography, all about being annoyed at the reaction to SSOASS in the States, and all of a sudden there's a thread proclaiming "Steve disses US fans!" in huge letters, and how that's the reason for the short set....

Wouldn't surprise me to see the whole forum pulled to be honest.
its the IMBB
The only place thats good for is to get boots of new songs and stuff
Otherwise its full of n00bs
Dio and Motorhead are legends
The shortened set list sucks but nothing to be all dramatic about. They put on a great show regardless. As you know duck some of the people on the official IMBB are like that, dramatic and hold no real loyalties.
hornet said:
The IMBB is not a nice place at the's like someone pulled a plug out and all the intelligence drained away. Endless threads about the setlist, the cover, Wildest Dreams being shit, disrespecting loyal fans, blah blah blah.

It's been like that since they closed the GC. I think most of the people complaining are the teenagers. I still post there but most people here seem friendlier and have more respect for someones opinion.
Thunderw0lf said:
Now some of the people are crying about the new album cover. [\QUOTE]

And rightly too. It's the worst piece of "art" I have seen in my life.

We should get all the bible bashers back from the 80s, except this time tell them only to burn the covers, and we'll keep the insides.