So I did an interview on The BBC


Jun 28, 2009
It was kind of funny how it all came about. I just just pulling a guitar out of a box at work when this guy stolls in and starts looking around. We start chatting a little and then he asks if he could interview me. Turns out he works for The BBC. I found this out after agreeing to the interview and exactly 5 seconds before he turned his mic on haha. I was a little nervous. If you're bored and want to get a good laugh, check it out and count how many times I say "absolutely".

The interview starts at 1:26.43
quite good playing for somebody in front of a BBC microphone :)

Haha, he asked me to play and I was like, "are you fucking kidding me?" I've played in front of 3,000 people before....but I think playing acoustic by myself for a BBC interview was the most nervous I've been...maybe ever. I'm amazed I was even able to play anything. :lol:
Hey, you did really well. The reason why he told you that he's from the BBC just seconds before asking is an old trick to make sure you don't even have the time to let that sink in. ;)

You've been the ideal interview partner for a street reporter: articulate and self-carrying while not being overly stiff or rehearsed. And you can tell that there wasn't too much editing involved.

That's rather the exception though. It takes quite some skill to get great takes from the right people - you gotta have the "eye", the charisma, adaptability and you gotta be bold as fuck. I never lacked any of this and have been quite successful but I hated being a street reporter for multiple reasons.

Anyway, great job there! :)
Holy shit dude, I can't believe a BBC guy strode into the Guitar Clinic in Oneonta :lol: Nicely done interview, you did a commendable job of feigning interest in Paul McCartney and Dave Grohl after telling him about how you were into metal :D
Yeah it was a classic case of being at the right place at the right time. He wasn't even planning on interviewing anyone about guitars. He's a guitar enthusiast and was just sort of strolling around town and killing time before heading to Cooperstown to talk to the president of The Baseball Hall of Fame.
great interview man. knowledgeable, articulate, informative but still conversational. i agree with the poster above, you were more natural than the interviewer. you need to send the link to schecter and blue ridge. i think they owe you a check