So I did my first youtube video (Gojira content)

ahah aw man that's an awesome video !

I see what ya did thar ! : the same angle for the riff at 1:44 just like in the link alive, coincidence ? i think not ! (except for the hair :D )
AND you did that epic ambient scream in the song fuck yeah major props \\m//

I was actually going to do a cover of that song but keeping it simple : one camera, one angle, one instrument, headbanging all the time !! :D
There will be more epic drums in the next one ehe ! And more epic... no wait, I have to keep suspense :)

^ Yeah no actually I didn't think about the Link Alive eventhough I have watched it carefully several times to check some chords etc. It's also the only place where you can fit a camera without a complicated setup !

Yeah I did, without that scream the bridge lacks all its depth ! :D you can hear how bad the 3rd one is, but I was too tired to do another take, it was my final take after all the other instruments and angles, I just wanted to shoot once the vocals :lol:

Well I don't wanna do yet-another-cover-of-that-song while some people do it better than me (i'm not the best guitarist in the world). I didn't play it live, eventhough each track is made of one or two takes (with a handful of edits for the most obvious mistakes) and thanks to the 24 angles I could always have some footage that looks cool ! Especially with the bass, I wanted it to be more visual than acurate, my goal is to make the video enjoyable, not to show actual guitar playing. It takes a long time to shoot and edit though ! You need a whole weekend just for one song, from learning it to exporting the video ! (And I knew the song already, so I'm not gonna do this with very complicated songs and it wouldn't be fun anyway)
All joking aside, your mix sounds great! Mind sharing some info...amps,drums etc..

Sérieux ca sonne vraiment monstrueux, j'ai hâte d'entendre tes autres morceaux!
I actually didn't spend much time on the mix, and don't think it's that great, I was really all into in the mindset of "let's take the guitar, throw a mix, record videos, and be done with it" because otherwise I would spend like days trying to edit the shit of everything, learn deep functions of the video editor etc. So I just took my guitar (with already-used stringed, but you should never do it if this is serious) then I just recorded them in a few takes (until it sounded good for at least 3 or 4 riffs), same with bass, programmed the drums (actually not well programmed, just humanized with the reaper humanize function).

Then guitars are LexTac if iirc, with the infamous s-prehigh impulse. in Orange channel, not red or lear or anything, it's actually just a good crunch, not a hard disto. bass is as usual split into a lowend track and a clank/grit track, I used a guitar amp on top of the bass amp sound to make it grit the way I waneted, and then compressed like hell by Rvox/1176/LA2A or something like that, drums are Metal Machine, except the snare is the LSD original series 3 or something like that (the 3rd in the list) for 60% of the sound and the 40% other is the snare from Metal Machine (I think I used the 2nd snare in its list). (I'm not too sure about the snares but basically the MM snare sounded a bit aggressive and high pitched for this mix so I mixed an LSD snare with more body). I used parallel compression on the drums, and used the kick as an input to compress the bass whenever it kicks in.

I think it's just all down to tape emulation (MPX) and console emulation (VCC 4k for most of it + neve for guitars or something like that). I just makes a tremendous difference and makes it easier to mix. Just put on the track and nothing else.

I just mixed it in 2 hours, helping myself with Ermz' guide as a starting point. I "premastered" it with the built-it "jlooser limiter" pluging inside reaper (it doesn't even have a GUI- because that's all I have atm :lol: for loudness and the SSL comp of course before that.
^ if it's not lextac then it's another Poulin ampsim, I only have his 3 mac compatible heads, it's the one with the "orange" channel (I can't check atm)