so i got a drunken phone call at 4am...


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
...from DJ!

i will do my best to recreate the choice moments from the conversation:

DJ: i'm drunk-dialing all the people in my address book...(mumbles a name) got pissed!
Me: who got pissed?
DJ: its me DJ!
Me: yeah but who got pissed at you?
DJ: its DJ!
Me: i KNOW but WHO did YOU call that got pissed at you?
DJ. oh...sam


Me: ok see you later.
DJ: i love you
Me: ok bye
DJ: no its the TRUE
Me: what?
DJ: alcohol is a truth serum..i love you
Me: i love you too. bye.
DJ drunk dialed me at 4:30, but I was awake. Here's the conversation:

Toby: Hello?
DJ: Are you SHITTIN me?!
Toby: huh?
DJ: I can't believe you're awake. This is no fun.
Toby: hey, my cat's in heat, will you come over and jerk her off?
oh that reminds me of the conversation i had with toby yesterday:

Toby: has pumpkin been fixed/neutered?
Me: yes
Toby: can fixed male cats still fuck?
Me: i am not sure, i have never tested that theory.
Toby: well my kitty hasn't been fixed and is in heat and needs to get FUCKED. could you bring pumpkin over?
The few times I've heard pussies in heat I couldn't believe those sounds emanated from small creatures... Sounded more like tortured babies or just... sumth'in completely surnatural. Possessed monkeys...
there used to be like 20-25 feral cats at my old apartment and when they'd go into heat it would scare freddy and drive me crazy. it sounded like little kids screaming and getting the crap kicked out of them!
one of our dogs went through heat before we could get her spayed and that was when she started this thing where whe shakes her head and growls all sassy like. we got her this denim diaper thing she hated, and she'd also growl & back into our male dog who was fixed and didn't know what to do. the other female dog who was fixed would straddle her backwards and hump her head.
she still does that whole sassy head shaking growling thing