So I just got My Fruit Psychobells on Monday...


Eric the Halibut
Mar 18, 2002
Riverside, California
Visit site
...and like... hmm.

If I were to give up everything in my life and just go live in a cave and do nothing but listen to this album for the rest of my life... well, that would be a **** ambition (out of 5 stars). I can't believe I was avoiding this album fearing it may have been of LOW quality!
The Catharsis of Sea-Sleep... is one of the best things.. EVER.. that disc has alot of quality shit on it, a re-recording would make me giggle though.. *PLZFUNDZORNTHX!*
To recrecord that album would probably be very difficult due to the fact that the band members are different right now. What you are listening to, what you have in your possesion, is a moment in time. It can't be duplicated. If this were to be redone I would bet that you would still prefer the original. I myself love to see their progression as musicians as well as producers (even though they don't get credit, they still have a lot to do with the production.). I think the best part of music is following a bands, or a musicians progression as they learn. There's no substitution for this, and even though they may want to redo the album, I think it's a bad idea. Let that album be part of history, let everything be part of history and continue to make more.
this album is cool, but you know...the production is terrible...cymbals tear my ears!
a re-recording would be great, but I'm with FrostGiant...maybe the band could call back the old members just to launch this project and then I guess they could get a similiar feeling (the same is impossible!).
my favourite tracks are: blight of river systems...ferocious weights...undine and underwater flowers...pondering a wall.
ps: I would say that "the ocean, the kingdom and the temptation" is one of my favourites, but that radom noises at it's end (like the ones "bizarre flowers a violent mist" has in the midle) are fucking boring...the demo version is much much better and that makes me think: why they like these noises? why they made a different version of this song? the demo one is so dancing...

: o (
I think that I like My Fruit a little better than LYBM and Bath... I mean I adore them mind you... and this could change tommorow.. but undine and underwater flowers.. Catharis of sea sleep.. these are things that I have to hear every day... lest I go nuts :) ... A re-recording wouldnt be the same... but I think it would be cool.. or even a live album with them playing the old jamz... that Progwest mp3 of Undine made me swoon.
Hey, I like the production. It gives the album like, uh, I don't know, a unique sound. Anyways, Conception Pathetic would be my favorite so far.

Truthfully, this is one of the best albums I've heard in many, many years. would be difficult to capture the same emotions with a I'm sure it won't happen. It really doesn't hurt to dream it though...:cry:

I also agree that MFP has the BEST material that MoTW has released...too bad about the production...:(