So i just made my first mutli sliced layout!

A big image/or desing, sliced in little images, with this you can browse faster and is easy for a designer add links or effects.
How'd you go about doing it man? Are there any nice tutorials or anything you could link to?

Just use Photo Shop. Slice tool. Edit slices for URL's/whatever. Export. Host the pictures. Change relevant links if need be in the html file with a text editor.

Google is your friend for the myspace codes.
Or freeness = GIMP

I used to use photoshop but went legit and an now relearing gimp from the ground up.
It's arse ended if you know PS but does pretty much everything photoshop does... just sometimes it needs 3 clicks instead of 1 which on the grounds of it's GNU and not a £500 program, is a fair tradeoff.
I'm bumping this thread. I'm trying to get a multi-sliced thing going on with my band's page, but when you click the "Preview" button after writing coding, the images are covering the "Submit" button, so I can't save the changes. Anyone know a way around this? Is there a better way to be updating Myspace coding?
Aaron Smith, you need to be in safe mode (myspace safe-mode that is).
Can't remember exactly where you do it.. but I did some quick googling and this is what I got
"click on edit profile, in the top right corner is a line that reads safe edit mode. click on that and you're in safe mode."
^^^ completely disagree. It looks very clean, tidy and professional to me.