So I really like my Lee Jackson Gp1000 but I have a dilemma


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
I've had it for a month or something now and it's awesome. I know a few of you have played it and I'm sure there's some hate for it but the rhythm has this nasty marshall mid grind to it and the leads are just truly searing, super present with plenty of gain and sustain. So onward to my dilemma...

But I've been offered 600 bucks (twice as much as I payed for it) for the Gp1000. It took me 2-3 years to find one so I'm already attached. :lol:

But another love of mine is the JCM800 2203/4. I could pick up a ceriatone ( for nearly the price I'd make off the gp1000. With some 6550's, actives and boost, they rule (I'm not a big fan of the generic 5150/recto/low mid grind thing)

I haven't played one or heard one live in years so I'm not sure if it could get as nasty as the gp1000 or it might be too loud for some venues around here. Right now I've paired the gp1000 to a peavey classic 60/60 (6l6) but it'll soon be a VHT 2/90/2 (Kt88's :worship:)

I think I want to keep it. :lol::lol:


Sell me another one. :lol:

:lol: Go hit the Guitar Centers. That's where I bought that one years ago. They thought it was broken and sold it to me for next to nothing. Got it home and turned out one of the tubes just had a bent pin and wasn't in the connector. A pair of needle nose pliers...and all fixed. :lol:
All you have to ask yourself is: Would you give 600 bucks for one?
If yes, then keep it, otherwise sell it.