So I sent in an MP3 for Bloodbath's audition - what do you think? (clip)

gooood shit!!!
you sound just like Peter!!!
I really think you are Bloodbath material!!!
keep up the good work.

" I shake my fist at skies above. Mad at God.."
Qth said:
Give us more!

Thanks guys,

Qth, you're really fucking good as well... I just seen that Learn to Scream clip you posted - I posted something just like that about a month ago too on the Harmony Central forums because everyone there is also obsessed with the enigma that is mid tone screams/growls
insurrection said:
Thanks guys,

Qth, you're really fucking good as well... I just seen that Learn to Scream clip you posted - I posted something just like that about a month ago too on the Harmony Central forums because everyone there is also obsessed with the enigma that is mid tone screams/growls

got a link? btw your growls were really good :cool:
Dude, Bloodbath material with out a doubt! Can you do RTC songs? I hope they consider you for the job! Your vocals rule!!!
Salvatore said:
Dude, Bloodbath material with out a doubt! Can you do RTC songs? I hope they consider you for the job! Your vocals rule!!!

I'm not quite sure I know what you mean by RTC songs? Sorry if I sound like an idiot but that's because I am... ha, and I'm also acronym impared :Smug:

If any of you would actually like to hear me on Bloodbath's new work, show some support and maybe I'll get some eyes looking in my direction! It's definately appreciated as I've spent years on tour and now that I'm idle sitting here doing nothing, it kills me
insurrection said:
Thanks guys,

Qth, you're really fucking good as well... I just seen that Learn to Scream clip you posted - I posted something just like that about a month ago too on the Harmony Central forums because everyone there is also obsessed with the enigma that is mid tone screams/growls

Omg dude!!! :tickled:
That clip i posted in the "another how to growl topic" isnt me!!! :D :oops:
Its Tony Bullard, dunno who that is though.
Thats just a clip i found that i thought might help some people out.
I cant growl for shit, gave it a try yesterday though hahaha... what a failure. :p
I think a good way to get support from the people who frequent this forum is to do a song from Resurrection through carnage that can equal Mikael's vox.
But I'm convinced allready. Best of luck to you.
Yeah I just listened to the new submission, FUCK thats good!
Download the kareoke-versions that Fleshcrawl posted and record a whole song for us.
PhlegethonVeins said:
Would like to hear a entire BB song.

Does anyone know of any good bloodbath covers, old and new? not sound sound like an ass hat, but I'd like the production quality at least decent to good so that way I can sound a little better (I'll need all the help I can get!!!) :D
