So I think i'm improving.....

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK style mix practice.mp3

could I get some advice on this please? Specifically with making the guitars more defined and how I could get the drums to "slam" a bit more, along with any other general criticisms/help you may have :)

also ignore the vocal editing, haven't gotten around to it yet, just wanted to see how I could improve on the basic mix so far

And i'm not sure who posted this track, but it's mix practice that someone put up on here a while ago now, so if you stumble on this thread, thanks!

cheers for you comments :)
I was attempting to go for a chris adler kind of snare sound with it, because the original snare track was already relatively close to his sort of sound, but lsitening back with fresh ears I definitely see what you mean
could anybody give me any pointers on how to get rid of the excessive snare ring? i've tried sweeping across the parametric and I can't seem to get rid of it without it resulting in the snare sounding like it's underwater :(
snare def has that log feel to it. guitars are too fizzy too quiet and got too many low mids going on. vocals are overpowering. mix practice 3.mp3

here's an updated mix, snare sorted, things generally a bit better, however i'd massively appreciate some help with the guitars, i've gone through all the guitar threads i could find using the search, and no matter what i can't seem to find a point where there's no/not much mud without losing all of the body from the guitars and leaving them sounding weak with no balls, is there anything I could do or is it just the raw tone that's doing it?
i liked the first mix better for clarity actually, you just needed to saturate it a bit, make everything take on more space and open up the vocals.
Gate the snare. Bring up the kick like 4-6 dB and cut less of the low mids on the guitars if you're doing that. Try to de-mud the bass instead of the guitars. Cut around 1k6 on the vocals, maybe 3-5 db. Are the vocals a 58 by any chance?
Gate the snare. Bring up the kick like 4-6 dB and cut less of the low mids on the guitars if you're doing that. Try to de-mud the bass instead of the guitars. Cut around 1k6 on the vocals, maybe 3-5 db. Are the vocals a 58 by any chance?

Again i'm unsure for the same reason that I have no idea what the guitars are :(