So, I Was Watching The Running Man...

El Diablo Fantastico

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Mar 15, 2005
Herts, England
You know, the 80's Arnie movie? And I reckon that the guy who played Dynamo was secretly Messiah Marcolin. When you look at it, the evidence is overwelming.



Dynamo Marcolin?:


Also, it should be noted that Messiah's debut with Candlemass was Nov 1987, conveniently one month after the supposed death of the actor who played Dynamo. I suspect it was all a cunning ploy to enable him to relaunch himself as the (slightly whiney) Metal God we all know and love today!
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actually i think Dynamo went on to sing in Troy's band. their name escapes me so i cant serch for pics. bozzface probably knows what im talkin about.

possible best arnie line: "I live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn spine!" (its much better when he says it)
The other day I watched Commando on the Spanish channel, and just a week before they played Conan the Barbarian. In Spanish they are both called Comando and Conan El Barbaro! I wanted to learn how to say let off some steam Bennet in Spanish but it didn't work. I lied is no mente or that's what it sounded like anyway, so it wasn't a total loss!
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

AMC was playing that flick the other night. I got through the door from work and turned on the tube just in time to catch that jewel. The first swig of my Corona came back up through my nose and onto the coffee table. It burned, but I still laughed.