So I watched "BloodRayne" last night on demand...

i looked up uwe boll on the imdb and all of his movies until 2008 are all videogame based. WTF!?!

i have to admit that the bloodiness during the fight scenes was actually kind of cool. but the editing and story and everythying else sucked ass.

on demand also has another boll movie on in "alone in the dark."
I saw Silent Hill on demand a few days ago. It had a lot of potential, but that didn't save it from sucking. I should probably try playing Silent Hill 4 again and not turn it off within the first 30 minutes from being scared.
house of the dead is his worst movie, it's truly awful and not in a funny way or anything just really, really bad.
Apparently Uwe Boll has been voted worst director of all time. Lots of his movies are in the worst movie section in imdb.

Which is why he'll direct my biography.
the other interesting things i noticed from reading up on his movies on the imdb is that he uses alot of the same people in all of his movies like Michael Pare who i know from my childhood as Eddie from "Eddie and the Cruisers" which was a movie i really loved as a kid.

ps. yes i am truly reaching my zenith of boredom here in CT
Oh and Silent hill the movie, could have been awesome....they just wanted it to be to action packed.

What it needed was more fucked up scenes like that dude in the bathroom.

gore is overrated unless its implemented into some fucking creepy shit eh?

or if its over the top like in asians films. Ricky-Oh anyone?
A lot of the creatures were too digital looking, I like CGI when used for enhancement rather then just full on CGI characters and enviornments, I get that it's cheaper but comon. A little less cheese and computers could have gone a long way with that movie. A decent story could have helped as well. Pyramid head ripping that woman's skin off is where the movie blew it's load for me.
there's a few good ones. In the last few years, Match Point, Oldboy, Sideways, Children of Men, The Sea In Me, now recently Babel... there's stuff.
I found it a great film. There's a few blatant symbolisms if that sort of thing offends you, but really nnngh can't give it anything but strong strong recomendation.