So I watched the uncut Cannibal Holocaust last night...


Get your ass to mars!
Sep 13, 2008
... My eyes oh god. Anyone one else seen it?

The animal killings were really fucked up and someone gets raped every other scene. It's mental.

The fetus scene was fucking brutal. :puke:
Fucking balls film. I'm sure that film was created for the sole purpose of making people who like it look 'cool'

balls off.

Braindead on the other hand......:headbang:
You havent seen braindead??!!!!!! Go out right now buy it and watch it. :)

I heard the turtle they "massacre" in the cannibal holocaust was a real one, they should have those people impaled from the anus to the mouth(the people who made it) just like its dipected in their film.
I heard the turtle they "massacre" in the cannibal holocaust was a real one, they should have those people impaled from the anus to the mouth(the people who made it) just like its dipected in their film.

Yeah. All the animals in the film were real. Monkey got it's face sliced off and a pig got shot.

Braindead... FUCKING MINT. The lawnmower scene was kick ass.
I'm all for gory films and shocking things, but there's a line, and CH crosses it by far. Fuck it.

Eraserhead borders on the 'wrong' line, but David Lynch knows how to be tasteful. Genius. LOVE Eraserhead.

Anyone who hasn't seen Braindead or Bad Taste doesn't exist, as soon as they see them, they appear and go "oh i exist now"

....yeah that was stupid, sorry.
....yeah that was stupid, sorry.

Stupid, but quite profound too. And makes you think....if they don't exist, how are they able to watch the film? It's a philosophical nightmare!!!

As for Cannibal Holocaust - it's shit. Pure and simple. Exploitative for the sake of being exploitative, and gory for the sake of being gory. It has nothing good going for it, and should be buried in a pit and left there for the rest of all time.

Braindead - :worship:
Bad Taste - :worship:
I actually like the song in the beginning of the movie, its really nice, and you deffinately dont know whats coming your way when you watch it. you really dont.
speaking of not knowing whats coming next, 'From Dusk Till Dawn' was the first film to make me go "what the fuck????" for completely changing plots etc.

Love that film

Oh yeah salma hayek is hot, erm.....whys she staring at his bloody hand..............oh she's a vampire..........what?
speaking of not knowing whats coming next, 'From Dusk Till Dawn' was the first film to make me go "what the fuck????" for completely changing plots etc.

Love that film

Oh yeah salma hayek is hot, erm.....whys she staring at his bloody hand..............oh she's a vampire..........what?

hehe - love that one too. It's one of the films that I have to watch when it's on. Same with the Judge Dredd film - for some strange reason, I watch it whenever it's on tv. I hate the film - when it was released I went to the first showing in Dublin and stomped out of the cinema in a major huff because it pissed all over the continuity of the character...and it was shit. But I always watch it when it's on - it still pisses me off though.
I LOVE Judge Dredd. It's an awful film, but I love watching it. Plus the soundtrack is cool too. and the ABC things are great.

Next time you watch it, watch the bike bit with dredd and rob schneider. Rob is so......doing something to dredds rear. The facial expressions are PERFECT. Then he says "you might want to clean this seat".
From Dusk til Dawn rules! And yeah theres such a plot change there. I was as amazed as you were. Tom Savini as Sex Machine fuckin rules, I laugh everytime he shows that penis psitol when he steals a guys beer with a whip Belmont style. How the fuck do they come up with this stuff, bloody brilliant.

Speaking of good soundtracks, what about The Last Action Hero, you gotta love those songs.
The ABC thing (based on an 'ABC Warrior' better known as Hammerstein) is my favourite bit of the fact, it's the only bit of the film that made me happy. And to see that bit you means I have to watch the film again. Damn you.....damn you to hell!!!!
I've heard about Cannibal Holocaust and it's not for me... As for Dusk Til Dawn, I really like that film, Cheech Marin plays about four different characters, legend... first time I watched it though I remember being really pissed off because I was paying attention to the plot and everything and thought it was going somewhere at least vaguely logical then a bunch of vampire zombies turned up and that was that. Now I know what to expect I find I enjoy it more every time I watch it.

Oh, and, I don't exist apparently, my bad...
What about the video for the AC/DC song with Arnie dressed up as Angus Young onstage doing the duck-walk?! Classic!

:OMG: I havent seeen that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :goes on youtube:


hahahahahahahahahahaahahhaha that was fuckin classic as you said! You made my day a lot better.
Glad you enjoyed it mate! My reaction was pretty much the same when I bought the Last Action Hero DVD and discovered that was a special feature. It made me wonder why I had never heard about it before, it did seem as if it must have been allowed to exist in the multiverse purely for my personal enjoyement :lol:
From Dusk til Dawn rules! And yeah theres such a plot change there. I was as amazed as you were. Tom Savini as Sex Machine fuckin rules, I laugh everytime he shows that penis psitol when he steals a guys beer with a whip Belmont style. How the fuck do they come up with this stuff, bloody brilliant.

:lol:!! true that movie does of my favorite movies :p