So is Roope gonna stay with the band or what?


Jun 20, 2005
i love roope but on scythes of bodom there is an alexi laiho quote that says he is just a studio musician. i dunoo if i believe it cause there was also a quote that said HCDR would be their last album.......
The quotes are just facts of different time periods. Some things change and don't happen as planned as you can see. I was pretty shocked in 2001 when I read that the 4th album would be the last. We want to show everybody with such quotes how the situation looked like a few years ago.

And Roope will stay. It worked and works more than fine with him, so why should COB want a new guitar player?
Truthfully, I don't think anyone could've filled Alex's shoes except for Roope. I mean who could've learned about 20 CoB songs within a couple weeks and be able to play up on stage with the crew? Roope was a key a factor in keeping the Hatecrew afloat, and he's a really nice guy :cool: Hail Roope and the Black Death!!!
Noble Viking said:
Truthfully, I don't think anyone could've filled Alex's shoes except for Roope. I mean who could've learned about 20 CoB songs within a couple weeks and be able to play up on stage with the crew? Roope was a key a factor in keeping the Hatecrew afloat, and he's a really nice guy :cool: Hail Roope and the Black Death!!!

yea dude and hes like alexi's idol so i really dont think alexi would want him to go.
Yeah... Roope Latvala is one of Alexi's idols. Roope is gonna fucking stay. He's skill is better than Alexis.. if you just watch "Passage to the Reaper", then you'll see what I mean.
inflamer said:
Just by playing a couple notes you cant see roope is more talented, it would be a good permanent guitar player.

In fact, you CAN see that Roope is more talented. Alexi said himself that "Roope is the best guitar player in Finland". Just looking at the "touch" of Roope.. he is just skilled, Alexi is fucking skilled too, yeah, but Roope is just more "used" to it. More experience maybe..
Jesse- said:
In fact, you CAN see that Roope is more talented. Alexi said himself that "Roope is the best guitar player in Finland". Just looking at the "touch" of Roope.. he is just skilled, Alexi is fucking skilled too, yeah, but Roope is just more "used" to it. More experience maybe..

It was a typo, ill edit the post ;)