So.... I've had a few months with the Fryette Sig X....


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
And I have to say, it *sounds* great.


Three channels. All sound beautiful.
Very versatile.
Loud as you like!
Easy to use.


I'm not especially confident of the build quality. I do get a little hum when I touch the controls on the front, so I do think it isn't quite electronically sound. Think it needs some attention.
I've had a few footswitch issues - the footswitch just randomly switching channels by its own accord.
There was also a time where I set everything up, turned the amp on, and got very low output and distorted sound on the clean channel - it hasn't happened since though.
USA based company with ONE dealer in the UK that I can see - makes support a little thin on the ground.
US support staff seem a bit slow and rude.

So all in all - I can say the amp is great. I love using it. But be careful to check it out fully before you plonk the money down, and make sure you know a good amp tech just in case. I don't feel particularly impressed by the company themselves though.... not like with Laney, where I always had great support and excellent responses. Fryette seem a bit snooty to me. So any perceived aftersales support is pretty much non-existent from where I stand.

I don't think this will be the end of my amp gassage. Because I do strongly feel like I will end up having to get it looked at at some point - I don't feel 100% confident using it, and that's pretty important to me as a gigging guitarist.

Part of me thinks that I could've sorted my pedalboard out and gotten the Hughes and Kettner Trilogy that I was looking at for £999, and I *don't* think the Fryette is worth the £1600 odd that I paid for it ... but I do love the sounds it makes, and I have it now, so no going back really.