so let's pretend you are a moderately young female babysitting a couple of kids


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
...and you go upstairs to look for a videotape the kids want to watch and find a cabinet full of pornographic movie tapes that all describe a hot babysitter fucking the crap out of the man of the house. is this uniquely creepy, or no more so than finding some more general porn?
um as a past and present babysitter that would totally give me the creeps and i would probably like, never go back there again because i'd be afraid i'd blurt out YOU FUCKIN PERVOLA! at some point.
i mean on one hand that's unfair...just because YOU are in a particular situation doesn't make the guy any creepier. but on the other hand i don't think i could ever get it out of my head that every time he sees me he just MUST be waiting for me to be like DRIVE ME HOME MISTER HASELMAN!
yea that's the point. who cares what his point of view is?!? it'd freak me out regardless, and when i get freaked out i have the auto-response to call my dad for confirmation and back up. i would just not want to babysit there anymore and i'd have a right not to want to.
i suppose it would be like being a nun and going around neighbourhoods visiting people and one guy's house has a big sign above his door that says GREETINGS FROM THE NUNRAPER. like, you don't knock on that door, free speech or not, right?
xfer said:
...and you go upstairs to look for a videotape the kids want to watch and find a cabinet full of pornographic movie tapes that all describe a hot babysitter fucking the crap out of the man of the house. is this uniquely creepy, or no more so than finding some more general porn?

I like how you said that the porno movie "describes" the babysitter rather than "depicting" her. It makes it seem more tasteful for some reason, like it wouldn't want to offend anyone by actually showing anything, but rather it uses more artful techniques to convey the idea of babysitter-fucking without resorting to mindless graphic content.
xfer said:
i mean on one hand that's unfair...just because YOU are in a particular situation doesn't make the guy any creepier. but on the other hand i don't think i could ever get it out of my head that every time he sees me he just MUST be waiting for me to be like DRIVE ME HOME MISTER HASELMAN!

jesus christ...
i'm not making a judgment call on that, by the way, i just never met anyone who said it! like one day i want to meet someone who says GADZOOKS totally unironically, too.