So Menny New People in Here..

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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With all these fair wether fans coming out of the wood work. Theres no room for us "True" fans to stand in here, all of our post will be washed away by all theses. Old/New fans bitching about one thing or another.. Poor us.
I Really don't think you have much to worry about, I've been lookin at this site fer a long time, I just registered to post recently. The reunion of anthrax was something that made me decide to throw my 2 cents in.

From the Photos released, those guys don't look too happy, maybe they are just trying to look Metal. When that line up of Anthrax was together back in the late "80s they always looked like they were having fun, The State of Euphoria tour book is chalk full of goofy pics.

What happened to poor ittle Dan Spitz and Joey, the years have nt been good to them, and Charlie needs a hair cut!

I will miss the last incarnation of Anthrax, but I will always have Music of Mass Distruction, We've come for you all and the greater of two evils to bring me back.... Where's my I'm the Man ep?
Excellent, I'm glad to hear that. I really hope to enjoy this next transformation. I had not heared the press conference, so thanks for your imput!
I noticed that actually MORE of the newcomers are proBush.
The others are a minority, they´re just easier to notice.
Just alot of people who have never posted started coming here yesterday, and talkin shit to the people who have been here forever. It seems like us Old timers are gunna have to put up with all these new posters shit talkin for some time to come. Not saying you are one of them tho.