So Metallica are coming to the UK


Raging Heathen!
Sep 10, 2002
Northern Shores Of The Humber
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Apparently Metallica are doing the Reading and Leeds festivals this year. I've also heard a rumour that they're doing that Castle Donnington thingy in June. I actually used to like Metallica up to the Black album. All the same I doubt I'll be going to either as it's pretty close to the far superior Wacken & Bloodstock.
Metallica 10 years ago probably. Now? Not especially motivated. You seen the rest of the bands they're planning for it? Horrible bunch :yuk:
With all their millions and complaining, I almost feel obliged to download their next album. And I'll probably hate it too.

@Ayeka - what are the other bands lined up out of interest? Give us a laugh then... :)
Limp Bizkit, Deftones and Audioslave are the only ones I can remember...think of three more bands like that and that's the lot :yuk: :yuk:

Understand that Metallica's first song to be released off the new album is a hip-hop orientated badger, according to Kerrang....
Yeah because they recently did some duet work with Ja Rule and thought hip hop beats could suit them. But they're going round saying that they sound like Messhugah now....

I think we can confirm now that Metallica are officially dead and buried and pushing up daisies. They should change the band name if they want to dismiss anything pre-'90 now.
It's sad, really, because a lot of my friends are really into Metallica, and I ain't got the heart to tell them that I think Kill 'Em All is their only really good album (Master Of Puppets is good but can drag a bit), and their new stuff sucks, and that if you want real thrash you wanna go listen to Slayer :heh: Ok, maybe I'm being harsh, because up to and including the black album is fairly good. But I still think the other thrash bands of those days were whupping Metallica (politics and maturity SUCK! :D) back in the day, and ain't pretty.
I agree to a point. I think Metallica had several things going for them - good songs, well written lyrics (that were never one-dimensional like always singing about satan etc), and most importantly, they were better live than anybody else.

I loved Megadeth, and I think Rust in Peace is one of the best albums of all time, but they couldn't play live to save their lives. They had some of the worst 'sound presence' of all those thrash bands of that day.

I agree though that there were better other thrash bands (if Metallica were ever thrash). Sepultura with Max Cavalera were untouchable. Even today, albums like Beneath the Remains are just astounding.
I guess I got short attention span :D it's always good to have an intelligent lyricist, but to me, when it comes to the sheer Heavy Metal Thunder of Thrash, one-dimensional material about Satan and headbanging goes with it real damn well. I mean, take Anthrax's Among The Living. Whoever wrote them had brains, even if they were a bit of a Communist-hippie type :p and it's good to listen to. But I'll always have time for a bit of "Hear the scream! Feel the bite! We ride with death tonight!" on Fistful Of Metal :cool: Lungs Of Leather are always an asset for that :D
Have you heard any Witchery or Kreator? Both fine thrash bands that you would probably like.

I would rate Violent Revolution (by Kreator) to be one of the best thrash albums of all time, and it's only a couple of years old.

I reviewed a Witchery album on the AA site if you're interested. Sharlee D'Angelo plays bass for them (also bass player for Mercyful Fate and the almighty Arch Enemy).
Originally posted by JayKeeley
Have you heard any Witchery or Kreator? Both fine thrash bands that you would probably like.

Heard of Kreator and maybe Witchery but never listened to 'em. Sounds like good recommendations! :grin:

*beavers off to AA website *
Never listened to Kreator? *GASP*

Listen to Kreator and learn about German Thrash metal. There is a big difference between that and the Bay Area....
Aaaaaagh! :erk: Don't chin me! 200+ albums and I still know nothing! :lol: Shit, there's a lot out there, and I'm learning every day :)
Symphony - you MUST get Violent Revolution. If you have difficulty finding it, let me know and I'll rip you a CD-R. I seriously think this could be one of the greatest thrash albums of all time. Or at least it ranks alongside some of the greats.

Trust me. :)
Ooooh! Do I spy another opportunity for cheeky second-hand CD-R yoinking?! :D I'm willing to trade! ;)