So, no show at Toronto eh?

Kerry King

Dec 23, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario. canada
This really blows. The Devin Townsend Band is playing at The Drink with some opening band, so I guess that means no Toronto date for this tour. Thats a hard blow man. I swear Mike said he was coming back in Feb... looks like its just Dream Theater for me then.

Dude, there is no MTL either. I swear.... who the fuck is managing this tour? He deserves a foot up his ass.
Apostle In Triumph said:
Because they would need to go to some Canada locations and then all across the US.
Dumbass, they are going to Quebec City, which is 4 hours away from the American border, as oppose to Montreal, 1 hour away from the border. Please get a basis of information before trying to prove me wrong.
I was saying it's a quick tour because it will be their second in a year, so I doubt they would do two huge ones. Apologies if I seemed like I was trying to tell you I was right and you were wrong.
worldwide_suicide said:
you guys need to know how to take a bus... if opeth don't come to you, you come to opeth, i guess...

Though I agree -- I'm driving to London to see them -- the person who booked this tour does need to be kicked. Hard.

If you don't know London, it's a relatively small pile of crap. There isn't anything of note there and no big metal scene... or any scene for that matter. I'm really not sure why they'd choose that over Toronto.
i can't go to the london show because:

a) don't have my G2 yet
b) don't have a place to stay overnight
c) don't have the money for tickets, gas, etc.

it sucks being 16.
Ok, anyone who has a problem with the absense of a show in Toronto, I have a good suggestion, for those of you who want to make it the best concert ever! Just gather about 8-10 people who want to go to the concert, have them all buy tickets, then someone call up a limozine company, and rent a limo to take you from toronto to london to see the opeth show, and it will also take you home from London as well. When I did this for the show in November, we rented an excursion limo which comfortable seated 10 people, and the limo cost around 500 dollers, so in total it came to 80 dollers each (including the ticket), and I must say, the limo ride was well worth the money. It pulled us right up to the front doors at the Opera House in Toronto, and picked us up right there after the show. On the ride all we did was watch the Lamentations DVD on the 4 different LCD screens in the Limo, and listen to metal albums and eat Pizza. It was the best trip ever, and I highly recomend it to anyone who knows alot of people who want to go to the show in London, and can't just drive there. This time however I can just take the bus downtown to the show since I live in London.:headbang: :headbang:
Kerry King said:
This really blows. The Devin Townsend Band is playing at The Drink with some opening band, so I guess that means no Toronto date for this tour. Thats a hard blow man. I swear Mike said he was coming back in Feb... looks like its just Dream Theater for me then.


On the contrary. I am stuck seeing an Evening With Opeth show with no Devin Townsend Band. Im not saying I hate Opeth (I love them), but The Devin Townsend Band is my favorite band, so I have to say im a little dissapointed. I guess i can look on the bright side and say im getting an evening with show :headbang:
A_Thoms said:
Though I agree -- I'm driving to London to see them -- the person who booked this tour does need to be kicked. Hard.

If you don't know London, it's a relatively small pile of crap. There isn't anything of note there and no big metal scene... or any scene for that matter. I'm really not sure why they'd choose that over Toronto.
haha i agree!!! Toronto would have sold out
yeah i'm pissed about it. especailly cause Dark Tranquillity is the opener. i would go to London, but York U likes to put all my classes at night, and i can't make it work. i've been to the drink before, it's a pretty cool venue.

i also heard that they are playing Saskatoon. if that's true, my goodness. saskatoon, london?? come on. skipping the 2 biggest metal places in the country (montreal and toronto) is stupid.