so on friday, my best friend's apartment was broken into :(


Aug 2, 2002
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luckily they only took money and stuff, and didn't hurt her dog :( but we all got new locks on our doors (i live next door to her) and they costed like $300!
anyway, i just wanted to say that apartment robbers beware. next time i will mace you in the grill.
never mind the rabbit, my roommate's cat is like the anti-christ and i think she'd probably shred anyone that tried to jack our shit.
My cats during a robbery:

Mikey: Hey Fritz, those new guys are taking all the stuff.
Fritz: Are they taking that cardboard box from the bedroom?
Fritz: I bet they'll pet us.
Mikey: There's only one way to find out, my friend.
Fritz: Hey, check it out! Lint.
Mikey: Sweet.

This shit is getting a workout.
freddy and the cat are separated by a swinging gate. they almost got along, but the cat copped attitude and freddy ended up attacking her one day because she kept hissing at him. thus, they are forever separated now.
she totally crapped all over the floor again yesterday too. i think it's because we keep having to move her litter box around as we redo the apartment. poor thing.