So, the first Resistance EP is still pretty cool

dismissed cynic

New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2012
I know The Resistance was kind of rote hardcore metal and we were all kinda disappointed that it wasn't Jesper going old school In Flames on us. But WAIT!

"Face to Face" from the Rise From Treason EP is marvelous. It sounds kind of like early In Flames. It sounds almost nothing like later Resistance. Maybe they were still trying to figure out their sound. But give this track a chance if you wanna here some vintage Stromblad/Ljungstrom riffing. The solo section sounds like straight up Whoracle-era In Flames.
I've never been a fan of Marco Aro's vocals, so that was an issue for me straight away as far as The Resistance goes. I know a lot of people get erect over The Haunted but they never particularly impressed me. I haven't listened extensively to any Resistance stuff, I just remember the stuff I did listen to sounding really average and boring. They're pretty much disbanded now and it's fair to say nobody will really miss them.
Agreed on the solo part. But that was pretty much the only good thing in that song. How can you make music so NOT melodic? I never understood this kind of music. If I want something heavy and fun, I listen to Five Finger Death Punch; if I want something really technical with a brutal tempo, I listen to Slayer; and if I want to hear shitty vocals I listen to In Fl-- just kidding.