So, What are you listening to...

eaeolian said:
Hey, what's with all this prog stuff lately? Pretty soon you'll be listening to Shadow Gallery's ballads and crying like a small girl...

Too late! :cry:

You can blame the prog on Johnsen. He's been giving me some good prog, which I've had trouble finding in the past. I still don't like Conception, though. A.R.K. has all of the Coneception elements I like, with none of the stuff I don't. Even Coven isn't *too* obnoxious.

Starting this weekend my NP will be Pharaoh, "The Longest Night". That's probably all I'll hear for a few weeks.
In the CD changer in my car: currently:

1. Porcupine Tree- Deadwing
2. Nevermore- This Godless Endeavor
3. Samael - Ceremony Of Opposites
4. Tori Amos - The Bee keeper
5. Anata -Under a Stone with no Inscription
6. Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
scooterSST said:
Was listening to Opeth in the Jeep player, then the player decided to no longer function....

Damn, that sucks...

Did you ever get in touch with Chris or Andy?

Oh, and Testament - The Gathering. I'm having a "bands that contain or once contained Steve Smyth" week.
Random trivia on Malevolent Creation: I don't believe he's in the band any longer (it's hard to track them grindcore metal folks), but I went to school with Dave Culross, who was the drummer for a couple of albums.