So what do you think of Amorphis new album


Feb 10, 2004
I really like it..I think it's one of their best releases since Elegy:)

Too bad I'm going to miss them along with hypocrisy:yell:
I have yet to hear it but I've only heard good things from those who already have. I will say that Amorphis is probably my favourite band, ever!!! "Tales from the 1000 Lakes" is what changed everything for me many years ago already and I have enjoyed every album of theirs since then (except for Far from the Sun :cool: ).

I look forward to buying this album and hopefully seeing them on tour. Is it released in North America yet? I haven't seen it around in stores.
I haven't heard this new one but aren't they going back to some harsher vocals? I really like their older stuff and hopefully this one will follow the same pattern.
Amorphis started losing me with "Elegy" and I only purchased "Tuonela" after that. "Tales..." is still my definite favourite, and from what I have heard of the new album through their MySpace, I'm not entirely sure whether that's going to change any time soon. (That would be "House of Sleep"... "Leaves Scar" wouldn't load.) I'll give the album a listen at the record store, though.
I don't know why, but generally speaking Amorphis just don't "do it" for me anymore. And I'm not just saying that to sound cool and/or old school - I couldn't care less.
Tales... was pretty much my first metal album as well. Amorphis still remains one of my absolute favourite favourite bands, I even got the old death metal albums. I dare say their new singer Tomi Joutsen is one of the best singers in the whole metal genre, the versality he has is just amazing. The new album is totaly worth the money, it's maybe not as legendary as Tales and Elegy but damn good nevertheless.
I've only heard what they have on myspace and I think it sounds pretty good. I'll try to pick up the album tomorrow if I can find it in any of the stores around here.

And Tales... is my personal fave as well.
Okay, I got this in the mail today from The End Records...and it's fucking awesome, IMO! Good songs, lots of layers, strong melodies, + room to breathe...More and more as I discover it!

+ I'd been a bit disapointed with a few other new releases lately, so I'm relieved that I'm able to enjoy this one! :)
David Gold said:
+ I'd been a bit disapointed with a few other new releases lately, so I'm relieved that I'm able to enjoy this one! :)

Which ones?

The new Amorphis for me is pretty decent, definitely a step (back) in the right direction-- now that they've "upped the ante", the next album is gonna be crucial for them imo.
Some of the best folky riffs I've heard in a while!
For sure! Most of the album is uptempo and really epic sounding. A good friend of mine recently referred to it as "Life's not so bad afterall" metal, seeing as how most/some of Amorphis are now in their 30's with wives and kids etc...and still making metal!

I really dig it!!! :)
David Gold said:
"Life's not so bad afterall" metal, seeing as how most/some of Amorphis are now in their 30's with wives and kids etc...
Not sure how I have to interpret that from a personal point of view... ;-D
Short of the kids, that is.
How about the new new Amorphis?


Eclipse and Silent Waters were both excellent 'returns', imo, for this band, and this new album really seems to explore a more consistent 'mellow' area for the band-- but it still has lots of bite despite less growls. I think the 'new' singer is easily the best they've had-- and this album totally showcases his abilities.

Well worth it, and easily a top 5 of the year for me...
I didn't really enjoy it, except for the odd couple of songs on it. Amorphis is sort of hit and miss when it comes to their latest releases IMO. Eclipse is easily my favorite album by them though.
Absolutely love it, great sense of melody. I'd probably say Silent Waters > Skyforger > Eclipse, for the new ones, but they're all brilliant, and the "new" singer is so fantastic.