So what the fuck, is digital music going to take over completely?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
With all the Ipods and Itunes and Igays and Ifux and all that shit, is the CD bound for the floor? The internet is getting awfully fast now, it used to take half the length of an album just to dub it to tape (using kickass high speed dub which always ruled), now you get an entire album in digital format within 5 to 10 minutes.

Elvis Costello says "music industry = gay robot"

But will it replace the tangible medium? Vinyl, tapes, and CDs are still around but will this digital revolution supplant them like so many 8-tracks?

I hope not. I dig album art. I dig the shine of vinyl. Shit I still dig 35mm god dammit.
Fuck digital downloading. It's for people with the attention span of a goldfish. You're right, sooner or later, there won't even be any need for album art. Everything will be listed by some USBN type number. (Even now, 90% of album art seems to be an afterthought, just something to throw into the jewel case).

I accept that tape is crap, there is no benefit to it whatsoever for holding music (unless it's for cheap promo production, or voice recording), but vinyl and CD at least is tangible -- something to hold in your hand, massage gently, and occasionaly lick.

I'm even on the lookout for that 8-track robot.
fotmbm said:
So CD isn't a digital format? Nice to know mr BRAENEAX!!1
You all should know my stance on this by now. All this non-CD downloads, Icraps, etc is for cheap bastards who can't/will never appreciate the entire package. They just want their quick fix and to be on their way. Leeches, all of them.
And in two months when their dog eats their Ifag their music is gone whilst I can still cut my flesh and worship satan to the tunes of Mütiilation or bang my head against the stage as I never did before to Sauron in the retirement home
Well Ive been making that rather unpopular argument for awhile on this board. Im sure the lawyers, lobbyists, and record compnay execs are working on a failproof new intellectual property system for digital audio.

Instead of collecting cds, people will show off their digital music players. Hopefully now that is just music, the strengths of the music itself will become more and more important--I'm doubtful however. Look at it this way: with cds disappearing, those rare cds everyone has will continue to rise in value.
Footbalm is on a rampage today! It's like IRON METAL MIKE TYSON LEFT RIGHT JAB UPPERCUT BITE STAB MAIM etc.
I dont see what all the hubbub is anyway? Old records were the thing to get pissed over. They have such a warm rich sound. CD's scratch way too easily, and the differances between a cd and a 320 kbps mp3 are neglible.

Long live Progress:D ! Hehe
The CD format is not obsolete, no matter what any lobomotized Ipod addict might tell you...I'm not going to start believing that until I see a substantial amount of artists bypass albums in favor of releasing directly to Itunes or a similar service. And while people are taking pride in gigantic mp3 libraries, I don't think that will ever replace the prestige of an enormous CD collection and state of the art stereo equipment. Convenience isn't everything.
Just what is the whole package? Paying absorbient amounts of money to record companies for cover art and liner notes? And of course, how many millions of people are criminals here? Most of the people on this board have downloaded music. Why the hypocrisy? We are all human. And lets face it, we like shit for free.

Legal Proviso:
(Just trying to provoke--take it in a spirit of playful jesting, all my statements while reflecting my personal opinions, do not reflect the opinions of other high minded non-criminals that prudently follow the existing, but outdated intellectual property laws regarding music.)
speed, you present the only decent argument in favor of all-downloaded music. I don't agree with you, but your side is not altogether foolish. :loco:
yeah well I might as well play the devils advocate. In response to Demonspell: I'm sure stereos will soon be equipped with the ability to download and play mp3s using much of the same methods of ipods; hell I dont know why it hasnt happened yet? Maybe the cover art, or pictures of the band will show up on a screen etc, while one is playing the music like media player; thus one would have a quasi cover, or some feeling of ownership other than just music.

The future, progress, innovation! Freedom from plastic objects such as cds!

Oh yes, and we have had this argument like once every other week for the last three of four months. Is it because the end is coming or what?

Legal Proviso:
(Just trying to provoke--take it in a spirit of playful jesting, all my statements while reflecting my personal opinions, do not reflect the opinions of other high minded non-criminals that prudently follow the existing, but outdated intellectual property laws regarding music.)
My iPod fucking rules, and I consider it the best new tech acquisition of the past 5 years.

That said, I certainly don't look at it as a means of replacing my vast collection; it just makes it far more fucking convenient to bring with me anywhere I go.
Carbonized said:
Yea Markgugs, i'm more inclined to think of mp3s/mp3 players and whatnot as a replacement for CD Cases. Less cumbersome and you can carry around alot or have them stored as neat as you please all in one place.
So yea i personally would like to keep the physical companion to the digital counterparts, but i can see the all around advantages to having the music streamlined to an all digital format.

I don't even get rid of my cases. I love the artwork and the physical nature of having a massive collection. My CD racks are as much a part of the "makeup" of my living room as the couch and TV are.

The iPod is simply massively convenient, for commuting. For being a digital jukebox when I don't want to keep changing discs. For driving. Quite literally, I've yet to find a situation where it's not useful.
Converts! This revolution is free. Pluses: Nickleback and 50 cent will no longer make any money. Minuses: many bands wont even bother to make music--although if they are making it for money it cant be very good--and more musicians will be forced to take regular jobs, because at present, most can afford to live off their cd royalties haha. Ok my sarcasm is getting the best of me.