So what's the big deal with Avatar?


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
I don't get it. Wasted the $10 to go see it tonight. I was never really interested in it at all based on the previews, but there was so much hype about it I figured I would have to see what the hoopla was about.

Needless to say I thought it was a boring story with cartoonish CG and bad acting. I really thought it would be better based on the reviews. And the whole underlying 'we are destroying the planet' theme got old within the first 20min. I get it, global warming is bad and humans are evil.

Any opinions on it? I'd like someone to explain why this is 'such a good movie', because I don't get it.
I thought it was awesome, to each their own I suppose. I thought the CG was really good. The acting was great even though the story was a bit of a retread of Pocahontas and Fern Gully.
The acting was great even though the story was a bit of a retread of Pocahontas and Fern Gully.

I'll accept that there's opinions, but there's good acting and bad acting. There's people who become the character and stop being themselves when they act and there's people who emote as much as a block of wood and cannot deliver a line without making you burst out laughing for all the wrong reasons.
I see no reason to even DARE insinuate that the acting in Avatar was any more than baaaad.
Ok everyone hates Avatar here. There are much worse movies out there , I will be buying the Blu Ray the day it comes out , I don't give a fuck what anyone says
You guys go back to your shitty russian theaters.. seriously, you guys only hate this movie because its commercial, but sometimes, commercial movies are great.
Avatar is a masterpiece, even if it builds on clichés.
Blame the script or what ever.. but the acting was great(Apart from that absolutely horrible Stephen Lang..).

I have zero desire to go see that shitty film. Anything that breaks records to that magnitude has to be a steaming turd (look up fucking titanic).

This argument is stupid.. so everything that is successful is by default bad?
Sadly, thats not a very uncommon view amongst "metalheads".. too bad you guys spend so much time hating great pieces of art, just because you want to be a part of the minority.
From what I have seen it seems like more people praise it here than hate it...

It just seems like when I talk to people about it, they say it was an amazing movie because of the CG. When I ask them what else makes it a good movie, they seem to say there was nothing else good about it. Just makes me mad that movies are being judged solely on 'looks' these days. I'll take a shitty looking movie with a good storyline/plot any day over a bad movie that looks amazing.

To each their own I suppose.
Just makes me mad that movies are being judged solely on 'looks' these days. I'll take a shitty looking movie with a good storyline/plot any day over a bad movie that looks amazing.

It's human nature to judge initially by aesthetics - think of it like that stupid blonde chick you pick up at a bar, you're not taking her back to your place for scintillating conversation, you know what you're buying into, one night of cheap feel-good thrills with fuck all sustenance. Like a movie with all CGI no plot. Sometimes it's good just to lay back and enjoy something brain dead because anything else would require more effort to stay with it.
This argument is stupid.. so everything that is successful is by default bad?
Sadly, thats not a very uncommon view amongst "metalheads".. too bad you guys spend so much time hating great pieces of art, just because you want to be a part of the minority.

I guess I should go rock some Taylor Swift then. Yeah man, stuff that is totally super popular is usually a steaming pile of shit.
Taylor Swift... isn't she kinda hot?

Haha totally off the track here <3

Edit: Not bad!

I find it that most often people with good imagination can get in the feel and mood of the story better, so they enjoy movies more, no matter the quality of the script, acting, production.

Don't let that child in you die. You need this part of you to be a whole person.
- A typical James Cameron let's stretch the movie as long as we can.
- Within the first 30 minutes the script was figured out and there were no surprises anymore
- Graphics looked like a Disney film
- 3D Aspect sucked major ass, especially since they've promoted it. We got a trailer in 3d of Alice in Wonderland, now THAT looked and felt 3d!
- It seems that with the proper promotion you can even make a movie about some blue turds famous

But apparently the majority seems to like it, I went with a group of 10, and 7 liked it.