So, whats your plans for xmas folks?


Mar 26, 2004
time of the year again for us to get out of here, Fr Strangelight is off to mehico for a month next week on his annual missionary duties, i meself am off to Albufeira next week for a month on eh... see whatever happens, so what about yourselves? i hate turkey, its too dry so i wont miss it, chicken is the way forward :)
lucky gets, my sister despite having a husband and three kids insists on coming home with her family in tow every christmas to be with her daddy.after that the other sister will be up with her kids so the gaff will be bedlam as always so, having been a good boy and stayed away from pubs for the last few months, my plan is

1) get pissed

2) ignore family

3) get pissed
well me mam is getting married in new york on the 22nd so im off there for 12 days on wednesday and coming back on te 27th.

should be a laugh.

will miss the other half though :(
catholic?? if i was you i'd disown the family and spend christmas walking up the side of Croagh Patrick in your bare feet with a group of nuns for company
jaysus ye all wanna be working on christmas?? yis pack of miserable proddy heathens. And not one of yis would stick yizzer noses into a church on christmas eve I bet. :mad:
that question shows how much of a catholic you are. :Smug:

of course they smell nice. Gods in there and he smells likes incense and oil
Bambi said:
jaysus ye all wanna be working on christmas?? yis pack of miserable proddy heathens. And not one of yis would stick yizzer noses into a church on christmas eve I bet. :mad:
"wanna be working"?! Nope, but I have to. Someone's gotta make sure that everyone gets their Christmas presents in time. Seems Santa can't do the job all by himself, he depends on mailorder services... ;)

Why the hell would I stick my nose into a church?! They found out that the combination of burning candles and incense leads to a high concentration of carcinogenic dust, higher than that on a road with heavy traffic. No need for that. :Smug:
snow2fall said:
They found out that the combination of burning candles and incense leads to a high concentration of carcinogenic dust, higher than that on a road with heavy traffic.
sound, so churches are highways to heaven :Spin:
the lord god is not carcinogenic, hell on the other hand is full of smoke. take yizzer pick. Looks like im gonna have to start up the mass thread again

this reminds me, my bro had a danish berd once who stayed with us over xmas, half our lot went to midnight mass on christmas eve and she said it sounded a bit satanic. So i told her the only thing slightly satanic about it was slitting the lambs throat at the end. she believed me too :tickled: . Im sure i heard little baby jesus in the crib laughin at her