So where is everybody?

Mar 24, 2005
I have seen a disturbing lack of Suspyre activity lately. Actual band member-wise, I mean. D: There's not a lot of music related news. How is the album going? All the news we've gotten lately is merch related, which is awesome, but I think I can speak for at least some of us if not all in saying that more music related news would be pretty awesome.

Especially with the recent leaking of Opeth's "Watershed", it made me re-realize how badly I want your album to release. >_o I will definitely be one of the first 10 people to buy a copy of When Time Fades. haha
and i plan on being right there with you, although every concert and band related activity is still too far away for me to really plan on attending. :(

also i can't seem to find the radio show thing for possessions either; are you guys going to be adding that to your myspace soon regardless?
Yeah, it has been pretty slow here recently. Speaking for myself only of course, I just kinda ran out of things to say. Also been a little sick and that always makes me listen to different, less than metal music. Don't know why, but I lose my metal edge when under the weather. Therefore I don't feel the urge to post much.
We're still here...most of our updates are going to be coming from Jill from now on. If you do have specific questions we will try to chime in when we can.

There should be a huge update shortly...
I have seen a disturbing lack of Suspyre activity lately. Actual band member-wise, I mean. D: There's not a lot of music related news. How is the album going? All the news we've gotten lately is merch related, which is awesome, but I think I can speak for at least some of us if not all in saying that more music related news would be pretty awesome.

Especially with the recent leaking of Opeth's "Watershed", it made me re-realize how badly I want your album to release. >_o I will definitely be one of the first 10 people to buy a copy of When Time Fades. haha

Regarding progress of the album - it's nearly done. All that's left are some guitar solos, piano, and mixing/mastering/etc. I can't wait to hear it all in context; the recording process really disturbs the big picture of things. The album is again, different than the other two, but I'll let the music speak for itself instead of explaining why and how it differs.
We're still here...most of our updates are going to be coming from Jill from now on. If you do have specific questions we will try to chime in when we can.

There should be a huge update shortly...

Just because the updates come from Jill doesn't mean you guys can't talk here :p

Then again, I do understand you're all generally busy and stuff and don't have nearly as much free time as some of us do <__<
and i plan on being right there with you, although every concert and band related activity is still too far away for me to really plan on attending. :(

also i can't seem to find the radio show thing for possessions either; are you guys going to be adding that to your myspace soon regardless?

We only had "Possession" up there as a teaser - mostly because that was an unfinished version we didn't want floating around the internet. Also, the quality was poor because it was being played through an internet radio show - so it was beyond compressed and really didn't do the song justice. We'll put something up on Myspace soon.
I promise you that there will be updates very soon, and that they will be VERY AWESOME updates :) So please be patient .... Rich is busy mixing the new album, and a bunch of the members took some very well-deserved vacation time this month so that is why it has been so quiet. But June, July & August will bring some really awesome news about the album and live gigs! :)
I promise you that there will be updates very soon, and that they will be VERY AWESOME updates :) So please be patient .... Rich is busy mixing the new album, and a bunch of the members took some very well-deserved vacation time this month so that is why it has been so quiet. But June, July & August will bring some really awesome news about the album and live gigs! :)

You love to tease, don't you.

I suppose I can wait. :loco: