So who in the L.A area the weekend of OCT 21st would like to get drunk with Paddy?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Paddy = Synonym for RIA.

Climb Thar Hill and I are partaking in a big brewhaha in 3 weeks that involves drinking, hip hop (not our choice), and year old meat impaled on sticks (our choice). This festival of inebriation is behemoth in scope, as it only happens about once a year. Last years invited guests included members of Impaled and Death Angel. (None of them showed)

Mormamusil, Nads, and angelenos of all creeds are invited to attend.

Décadent said:
Haha Jerry, if you were Paddy that would have topped all your other feats combined times a million.

Who says I'm not?!?! :loco:

Anyhow Tila Tequila and several other pornwhores will be in attendance.

In one medium or another.
You'd have let slip way ealier. You're a predictable faker :loco:

I'll be there in all my glory of course. In spirit.

Posting on GMD would not be worth the pay off. Plus I was banished from the forum for posts directed to Deron such as the one below.

AWMM Circa Sept 05 said:
Why can't you be bench pressing a vehicle 6 feet under water in New Orleans? Instead you are safe in your dilapidated Virginian home, teaching your 5 yr old A,B,C's on his fucking speak and spell. You are a product of negro culture you slimebag! A civilized white upstanding citizen of the state like myself, can't even place his damn opinion on a message board without having yunt's like yourself, feel as if they need to guard fellow whites from the same damn thoughts in which they carry.

So I hate my pals! So GoD hates my pals! So everyone on this damn board hates my pals! You would think that you would cater to the majority and let such ideas be expressed. I can understand the first 4 bannings. But the last one stepped over the line. All I asked was where the fuck has that nigfugee Black Metal Tyrone been? An insinuation of his incarceration was made in jest, and you decide to take it upon yourself to ban me once and for all. Well I own more computers than you own pocket protectors. I tried and be nice to your sub par label running, racial hatred fearing, faggot self. And this is the damn thanks I get?!?! I've been a part of this damn board before you said your first "hail mary".

Answer my damn emails you coward! Before I show up at your door with Sir Reginald and take you for a horseback ride across the mason dixon line! I know this will get me banned. Who the fuck gives a flying shit?!!? Doing so is the equivalent of kicking a heterosexual out of a gay bar. You're not even a man. I bet the farm in which your african forefathers plowed, that you will erase this message quicker than you can say the word coon. I get under your skin like a tick don't I? Because I know the truth! You should've known better than to trust me with information about your past. How your great grand daddy was a my pals. You and the heritage of your Uncle Jeremetrius can fuck right off. Go give whatever income you receive from UM to the NAACP as reparations ye wiggaboo.

Goodbye ye watermelon lipping simian sub human hermy you!


P.S Don't bother banning me, I won't be back!