

Dec 21, 2001
A friend of this guy I bought some stuff off of this time knows Billy and We're having a party to celebrate my birthday this Saturday. There will be cake, pie, punch, and a round table discussion about the plight of the ring tailed lemur. Want to come?
You silly little freak!!! I'd be more than happy to make an appearance at your
B-day party.....Hope your Mom & Dad won't be home though, see the T-man
does NOT play nice. And befouling cake is one of my FAVORITE party activities.

So just let us know where you're at, if it's o.k. to spike the punch, if beating up your classmates is cool (It will be my 1st time beating up 7th graders) and as far as the Ring Tailed Lemurs plight....Will we be contributing to their plight?? Maybe making a Ring Tailed Lemur Pie?? Playing a little Pin the tail on the LIVE Ring Tailed Lemur....And how about inviting this "friend of this guy you bought some stuff off of this time" And you know what, it might be a good idea to invite the guy that you bought "stuff" off of last time to.
Not to mention the guy you bought "stuff"from the time before that.

Dude, I can't wait to hit this party full of Ring Tailed Lemurs & Guys you bought stuff from...You ever buy any "stuff" from any girls??
Speaking of which, is there going to be any broads ay this B-day party??
(Please don't include Your Mom or any Aunts over 50) DAMN MAN!!!!!

This is going to ROCK!!! Bring on the info Kleo, And lets burn your neighbors houses down!!!!!

kleo706 said:
A friend of this guy I bought some stuff off of this time knows Billy and We're having a party to celebrate my birthday this Saturday. There will be cake, pie, punch, and a round table discussion about the plight of the ring tailed lemur. Want to come?
T_man357 said:
You silly little freak!!! I'd be more than happy to make an appearance at your
B-day party.....Hope your Mom & Dad won't be home though, see the T-man
does NOT play nice. And befouling cake is one of my FAVORITE party activities.

So just let us know where you're at, if it's o.k. to spike the punch, if beating up your classmates is cool (It will be my 1st time beating up 7th graders) and as far as the Ring Tailed Lemurs plight....Will we be contributing to their plight?? Maybe making a Ring Tailed Lemur Pie?? Playing a little Pin the tail on the LIVE Ring Tailed Lemur....And how about inviting this "friend of this guy you bought some stuff off of this time" And you know what, it might be a good idea to invite the guy that you bought "stuff" off of last time to.
Not to mention the guy you bought "stuff"from the time before that.

Dude, I can't wait to hit this party full of Ring Tailed Lemurs & Guys you bought stuff from...You ever buy any "stuff" from any girls??
Speaking of which, is there going to be any broads ay this B-day party??
(Please don't include Your Mom or any Aunts over 50) DAMN MAN!!!!!

This is going to ROCK!!! Bring on the info Kleo, And lets burn your neighbors houses down!!!!!
Damn TMann..........I havent been to a good house wrecking party in a the way I got the CD yesterday:headbang::headbang:
I'll have you know that my mom abandoned me at a shopping plaza in Chicago. If you try any of that tree hugging hippie apartment assault crap, Henry will kick your fucking ass.


p. s. bitch
So you're moms abandoned you at the mall?? Well to be honest there Kleo
you seem like quite the little freak so I'm gonna say your Mom used sound judgement in making that call..

As far as "tree hugging hippie etc..." goes, well I'm not too sure what that means since I never hugged a tree either on purpose or by accident so you might have to eloborate on that.

And as for Henry kicking my ass....Kleo is Henry one of those people that only you can see? You know you're close pal whose only visible to you.
I guess what I'm trying to say is don't threaten me with your imaginary friend
beause it's really not that scary!!

Besides I don't know why the fuck you're mad at me....I said I'd go to your
B-day party!! So far I'm the only one to accept your invite...I'll even bring a keg if it'll make you happy (Of course I'll need to see your I.D.) Nothing personal but the law is cracking down on people who buy beer for minors
and I know you would'nt want me to get in trouble.

So dude drop the attitude, If I offended you get past it...And let everyone know where and when this B-day party is...I'm psyched!! I got a 20lb sledge and nowhere to swing it!!! Like I said just make sure Henry and the rest of the imaginary guests are cool with a ROCKING PARTY!!!

One more thing....Who's Punky?? I thought you were Kleo..Oh wait a minute don't anwser that (Another Imaginary Friend)

kleo706 said:
I'll have you know that my mom abandoned me at a shopping plaza in Chicago. If you try any of that tree hugging hippie apartment assault crap, Henry will kick your fucking ass.


p. s. bitch
Cool Old School....I hope you like it!!

As far as Kleo here goes....It doesn't show much sense to put her birthday invites out on this board....But fuck it, I'll go as I know a couple of you crazy bastards will too....Lets help Kleo with her ascension into 8th grade!!

Kleo this party will make you a legend!!! Trust me it's what I do best!!
And it sounds like Old School is down with a little destruction as well!!

old school headbanger said:
Damn TMann..........I havent been to a good house wrecking party in a the way I got the CD yesterday:headbang::headbang:
Hell yeah Im down!!!!!!!!!!! You bring the keg .............I`ll bring the weed.........

Kleo, it not tree hugging hippie assualt crap, its more like metalhead pissing on your carpet,blow your fuckin house up crap. can my band come? we want to play this party................Ill even learn happy birthday, the slaytanic version!!

The CD rocks dude, defidently :headbang:
T-Man I agree...I haven't been to a rocking party in quite some time....I am ready to smash a couple of walls and kick Kleo's dog( or was it Lemurs)...I will bring plenty of ho's and pimp cups while I wear my rustler jeans and my alligator skin boots...I also have an excess of kerosene that I could use to catch some ring tailed lemurs on fire with...Should I bring it? Are doo-rags allowed? I have a couple pirate ones...Lets make this a ho's and pirates party.......Also Kleo, do you mind if I bring my friend Ron Jeremy...He really wants to bang your mom and then take a dump on her bed....Wait your mom abandoned you to be in films with R.J......Such a filthy whore
yeah , no shit there better be some bitches there............ Im not playing for a sausage offence guys
Fucking hilarious MHFYRD!!!!
Now that's a party!!
Damn Bro's I thought I was the only one angry enough to fuck with someone stupid today.......I'm glad I was wrong!!

Damn straight O/S!!! No sausages for me either!!
I'm sure she'll have a few of her little girlfriends there...You know looking to score with the band!!

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
T-Man I agree...I haven't been to a rocking party in quite some time....I am ready to smash a couple of walls and kick Kleo's dog( or was it Lemurs)...I will bring plenty of ho's and pimp cups while I wear my rustler jeans and my alligator skin boots...I also have an excess of kerosene that I could use to catch some ring tailed lemurs on fire with...Should I bring it? Are doo-rags allowed? I have a couple pirate ones...Lets make this a ho's and pirates party.......Also Kleo, do you mind if I bring my friend Ron Jeremy...He really wants to bang your mom and then take a dump on their bed
wasnt that like a Law and Order SVU episode............................henry was a child molester, and molested punky and her freinds then the queer from Oz got with the Preist from Oz and said something to the effect that Henry needed to be casterated or some shit..............Did they casterate Henry? I can understand why your so Bitter Punky.......with henrey getting casterated and all...........................So what time does the party start? Im going to need some time to set up, and do some bong hits before we start playing.......
I'm not the least bit interested in who the fuck you are or especially who the fuck Henry is!!! Who the hell is Punky Brewster?? I thought you were Kleo!!

I thought you were throwing a party that you invited us to!!
We got a live band (Maybe two if I can get my people together) We got a keg, weed, Ron Jeremy, Ring Tailed Lemurs, guys you bought stuff from, large quanities of kerosene, hell MHFYRD is bringing ho's and pimps!!! and don't
forget the 20lb sledge!!(Compliments of yours truly)

So what's the deal??? You got an opportunity to be the most popular girl in your bldg, don't let this chance of a lifetime pass you by!!

I mean c'mon now Kleo seriously, You strike me kind of like a silly,retarded little freak who probably could use a few friends....Am I right??

I promise you, no better yet I guaranDAMNtee you that every Cop, Fireman, and Animal Control officer in your state will know your name....and then a few days later a number of court officials will know you as well....Kid that's a whole lot of new friends whose aquaintance you'll make by having this party.

So do the right thing!!! You and Henry get together and plan out the time
then post where this party is going to be, it doesn't even have to be detailed just an address, Mapquest will do the rest...Make history Kleo and have a

kleo706 said:
My name is Punky Brewster. You degraded my Henry. Prepare to die.
Hey thanks Crypt....I really appreciate it!!!

Billy, please give my cd (Hollowpoint - Barrel Of My Gun) another spin
It's getting a pretty good response from the board!!

Just in case that's took seriously.....I'm just playing around Bill.

Cryptkeeper said:
I like MHFYRD's party idea.

T man's cd does indeed rock!
It wouldn't be a party without a little 2nd Amendment representing man!!
Just promise me that you'll bring the firearms from the pics you posted before.... that and you won't let Kleo or the ever popular Henry handle them unless there empty and under heavy supervision.....We don't want this to be little Kleos last B-day now.....DO WE???

And if you send me a message with your address and such I'll shoot you out a copy of the cd....It's me and my band (Hollowpoint) And judging from your posts (And your INCREDIBLE collection) I think you'll like it.

Anway see you at Kleos party man!! (Well that's if she ever posts where the hell it's at!!!)

AKduff said:
I can bring some fire power! Ammo free of charge, of course.

And where can I get this CD yall are talking about that rocks?
Do you know what I hate is when people try to act weird just for the sake of being weird...People like you Kleo, ended up in the trash can at my school, and whats with the little kid avatar, Kleo? You some kind of petter ass child molester?
Actually, this was a carefully conducted piece of socio-cultural anthropolgy and not randomness.