
I hope everything works out for the best for the fellas. This fest has the chance to have one of the most diverse lineups out there, and with the new venue could be a huge hit. A couple of successful bands to round things out and the chatter about Powerfest could get really loud.

My hopes are that they score at least one big headliner who really draw
well and keep the fest going. I think the key to the fest will be to
keep a good mix of genres. I think if fest are not careful and become to
centered on certain styles....they will become stagnant. It is cool to have a centralized style but it is nice to mix it up a bit and have a few different
styles mixed in. If you have just a doom/death will just get that crowd, same goes for ProgPower and Heathen Crusade. There are enough centralized fest going on that cater to one type of crowd. It would be
cool to have Powerfest cater to all. The more genre types playing...the larger the draw and interest will be.
Today is the deadline to finalize the lineup. I hope you get/got your primary choices, Rob. :headbang:

I hope so too!!! We're waiting for THE call/ keep your fingers crossed.

Unfortunately, the ball's not in our court at the moment, so it may delay things for a couple more days. We hope to have at least one of the bands for you on Monday.
Only in the case of former bm bands who want to gain mainstream popularity (I'm talking to you, Satyr)

I am not too much of a BM guy. I think it is cool when I hear it or see it live, but not everyday music for me....

Now if we are talking 1st wave stuff like Mercyful Fate or Venom, then that's a different story. Though I always considered those bands to be more in the trad metal / NWOBHM vein than black metal. I mean , aside from having an album and song called "Black Metal" back in the day, these were just metal or thrash bands....
Good luck Rob - obviously it would suck if we can't hear who both headliners are by Monday, but if you've hit a snag you can't get around, obviously that's just the way it is.

Thanks for keeping us updated. It's obvious you care a great deal. :kickass:

I consider MF and Venom to be trad metal as well.

I listen to black metal just about every day. :p

Man, I used to think I was all hip with the younger crowd.
All these kids would be like, "Hey old man, do you like black metal? MANOWAR Sucks!" I was all like, "Hey leave MANOWAR out of this! Sure I like black metal. I always was a big fan of later Bad Brains, Living Colour, Body Count, Hirax, Zoetrope, etc...." To this day, I never undertood why they laughed at me and rode off into the night.....

Oh well. I guess I am just safe saying I listen to "METAL" and leave it at that.
Man, I used to think I was all hip with the younger crowd.
All these kids would be like, "Hey old man, do you like black metal? MANOWAR Sucks!" I was all like, "Hey leave MANOWAR out of this! Sure I like black metal. I always was a big fan of later Bad Brains, Living Colour, Body Count, Hirax, Zoetrope, etc...." To this day, I never undertood why they laughed at me and rode off into the night.....

Oh well. I guess I am just safe saying I listen to "METAL" and leave it at that.

you say you listen to metal, people think you listen to crap like Slipknot and all that NuMetal crap. People at work are always enthralled with my taste in music. They laugh when they hear the term Folk Metal or Power Metal...or even Viking Metal.
you say you listen to metal, people think you listen to crap like Slipknot and all that NuMetal crap. People at work are always enthralled with my taste in music. They laugh when they hear the term Folk Metal or Power Metal...or even Viking Metal.

No shit.
I usually get the "Oh so like Metallica and Pantera?"
I don't even bother.
There is one guy at my work who I just found out is into Chicago death metal and some black metal, which is pretty cool.
Though I agree, that with people who I know for sure are NOT into metal, I try VERY hard to not bring up music.
The problem is that I always have a metal CD going at work, so I get a lot of questions.
Some classic co-worker comments about my music:
Random young guy: "What are you listening to?" (Immortal on the player)
Me: "Oh, it's some Christian band"
Random young guy: *dirty look - Never seen him at my desk since!*

Older manager: "What the heck are you listening to?"
Me: "It's a band called GODFLESH"
Older manager: "Ooohh. Sounds scary!"

Older cool chick at work: "What is that?"
Me: "Iron Maiden"
Older cool chick at work: "Oh, I know them!! 666 The Number of the Beast!!!"
Me: "Right on" *followed by high-five*

Hey, I work for an insurance company. The water cooler discussions aren't all that exciting as you can tell.....