
Hi Arkatox.

I just listened to 30 Pieces of Silver on YouTube for the first time - great song, but crap audio quality.

I'm going to wait, but we all understand if you can't.
I was rather foolish to think would let me purchase the album considering I'm on the other side of the Atlantic :(. Darn you Amazon! Don't you know I'm an American citizen too? No joke, I'm serious. Well, no, why would I have a US credit card if I live in the UK...OK, fine, you win...

So, there's absolutely no sign of it on Spotify for us Europeans (or else I'm highly unfortunate) nor on Rhapsody, iTunes, Grooveshark or YouTube. Best thing about this, however, is that it'll make getting it at the appointed time all the more special. Currently consoling myself listening to Nailed/Hide in the Fairytale on YouTube.

Just don't mind me while I go slightly crazy. :Spin:
I'm waiting 'till I get the hard copy too, only listened to the official AtWB demo once. After all, I've been waiting 3 years for this, but heck, I has never been this hard...:kickass:
That's like... the gay version of that's what she said. :guh: Lol XD

Well yes if it was 2 guys, but since I'm My friends and I also say "I love you, no lesbo" to each other, just because it annoys our men a little. lol

@Flesh, maybe, maybe not, but it was